How Social Investing Can Change The Way We Invest Forever
"Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much". As we said before, the investor road has been a long, painful, and solitary path for most retail investors in the market. The idea behind AleFi is to create a community where retail investors won’t feel lonely but will be able to collaborate and meet other more experienced investors. We want to build a community where users, irrespective of their broker of preference, can come together, interact, and work towards building financial freedom.
According to data collected by one of the biggest trading platforms in Europe, 40% of individuals point to the lack of knowledge as a barrier that prevents them from investing. This makes AleFi the perfect platform for new investors to be able to learn and lose the fear of investing by being able to follow credible and more experienced investors. Additionally, data shows that more than 65% of the investors feel more confident investing with the help of a social community.
Social Investing is a game-changer and it will change the way we invest forever. From now on people won't see investing as something that only the rich have access to, but by democratizing access to financial information to everyone it will become as natural as part of your daily routine. AleFi is not meant to give financial advice but to act as a compass for new investors to be guided and to give them the push to start to invest.