How smoking can affect your mental?health

How smoking can affect your mental?health

The World Health Organization launched a new factsheet that examined the complex connection between the use of tobacco and the rise in mental health issues. This factsheet reflects important information: 2 in every 3 persons with severe mental health disorders have been found to be smokers. This further highlights the negative impact that smoking has on the health of individuals. It is in this context that reducing the use of tobacco has been identified as the single most effective remedy for reducing this gap in life expectancy.??

Most smokers say they wish to stop; however, some continue as it seems to help in relieving one of stress and anxiety.?

It is commonly believed that smoking helps one relax. On the contrary, smoking is directly linked to a high increase in anxiety and tension among individuals.?

Why does it feel like smoking helps us relax?

Cigarette smoking interferes with certain chemicals in our brains. From a smoker’s perspective, when they haven't had a cigarette for a long while, the desire to have another one makes them feel extremely irritable and anxious. Such feelings can be temporarily relieved when one lights up a cigarette to smoke. Therefore, smokers tend to associate an improved mood with smoking. In reality, however, the effects of constant smoking are more likely to cause anxiety in the first place.??

The truth is, that quitting smoking improves mood and reduces anxiety.??

The harmful effects of tobacco on one’s mental health:

The use of tobacco can severely impact one’s mental health. The extent of the impact, however, depends on the quantity and frequency of smoking.?

Highlighted below are some of the possible effects:?

  • Addiction: While smoking tobacco, nicotine reaches the brain within 10 seconds. While for some people, nicotine is believed to improve mood and aid in relaxation, regular use can easily cause addiction in individuals. Regular use can also cause changes in the brain, and the sudden drop in the supply of nicotine can cause withdrawal symptoms. This is what causes an increase in habit. This is how most smokers become dependent on smoking.??
  • Stress: While many believe that smoking releases stress, research studies highlight how it is a major cause of heightened tension. Although tobacco can provide an instant sense of relaxation, causing you to believe it reduces anxiety, the reality is something very different.??
  • Depression: Individuals suffering from depression are more likely to smoke when compared to non-smokers going through depressive episodes. Tobacco releases dopamine- a chemical in the brain that triggers positive emotions. As depressed people have low levels of dopamine, smoking helps them derive pleasure.??
  • Schizophrenia: People experiencing schizophrenia are more likely to smoke than those without it. They are heavy smokers, the reason being the use of tobacco seems to help manage some symptoms connected with the side effects of medication that is used in the treatment process. What’s more, research also highlights how smoking can increase the risk of developing schizophrenia.??

If you are a smoker, how can you quit using tobacco???

If you have a plan and support, you are most likely to succeed in smoking. If you have been under medication, it is advisable to talk to your doctor before deciding to quit smoking.?

Here are some tips that can help you quit smoking:

  • Prepare for change: Imagine having a life without smoking. Write down your achievements after you quit smoking. Some of the worthiest reasons could include better physical health, improved focus and concentration, and having more money to spend on other things that you desire.?
  • Get support from your friends & family: Quitting smoking can feel a lot easier with help from your family and friends. Examples like convincing your smoking friends to quit with you can be of help.??
  • Find an alternative way to deal with stress: If your intention is to reduce stress, try finding alternative options to deal with stress. You could try breathing exercises, meditation, regular exercise, and maintaining a well-balanced diet. You could also try talking to a supportive friend a family member, or even a spiritual leader to help reduce smoking tendencies.??

The evidence is clear: smoking has detrimental effects not only on physical health but also on mental well-being. The connection between smoking and increased anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders is significant. By preparing for change, seeking support, and finding healthier ways to manage stress, smokers can successfully overcome their addiction. Prioritize your mental health and take the first step toward a smoke-free life today!?


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