How to smash your interview at Temedica

How to smash your interview at Temedica

It goes without saying that interviews are pretty anxiety-inducing experiences. Trying to present yourself as best as possible when your dream job is on the line is of course going to make you sweat – plus there are likely a whole bunch of other people trying to outdo you as they’re going for the same role! Fret not: we totally get where you’re coming from, and we’ve compiled our five top tips to help you beat the pre-interview nerves and make a great first impression on the big day.

?Tip #1: Do the prep

You’d be amazed at the number of potential candidates who show up to interviews knowing next to nothing about Temedica, our goals, or even our products! We’re not expecting you to reel off a list of our core values by heart, but we want to see that you’re serious about joining our team – and doing research into your role and how it fits in with the company is crucial. Review the job description the night before and ask yourself how this position contributes to the wider organization as a whole. Knowing exactly how you’d be operating is key in better understanding expectations from all sides, so take the time to get to know us in advance.

Tip #2: Get examples of your work ready

Want to be the next advertising expert at Temedica? Dust off your ideas sketchbook and be prepared to show us your portfolio – we want to see what you’re capable of! If you’re going for a role where this is a little tricky, highlight a few key projects you’ve championed in your career and get the details we’re looking for together: what did you do? How did you do it? Why? With who? What did you learn? We’re keen to see self-awareness of how you’ve grown – don’t worry if your CV is a little short at this point, as we’re looking for potential over experience. If you’re fresh out of student life and aren’t sure where to start, why not conjure up an imaginary scenario or briefing and tell us how you’d handle it? We’re looking for self-starters who think outside the box, so don’t be afraid to dream big and let your imagination run wild!

Tip #3: Be authentic

Let’s be honest: we’re really not interested in hearing you drop all the human resources buzzwords in the first few sentences of your introductory speech. At Temedica, we’re much more curious about you as an individual – and we’ve held enough interviews to recognize artificial, one-size-fits-all answers straight away. We’re on the hunt for people who operate outside of the status quo, and being upfront about who you are and who you work is without a doubt the best way to make a lasting impression on our hiring team.

Tip #4: Let your personality shine

You’ll have already hinted at this in your application, but now it’s time to take it to the next step. Sure, we’re looking for talented and creative individuals who aren’t afraid to shake things up – but we’re also searching for people we’re happy to spend eight hours a day with! How you interact with our team has a big impact on how we perceive you as an individual – and yes, the receptionist will tell us if you were rude to them, so take care to make a good impression!

Tip #5: Don’t overthink it

We’ve all been there, and nerves have got the better of everyone at some point or another. It’s easier said than done, but try to relax and go with the flow of things. Do something you enjoy that’ll help you relax beforehand: meditate, go for a walk, drink a gallon of tea – whatever you need to let your mind take a deep breath and put the situation into perspective. The world won’t end if you fluff a sentence or trip over your words – plus we always give detailed feedback to our interviewees, so you’ll always learn something from this experience even if Temedica isn’t the right place for you.

Want to put your new-found interview skills to the test? Send us your application and let’s start a conversation:



