How Smart Agencies Thrive with Focus, Resilience, and Accountability

How Smart Agencies Thrive with Focus, Resilience, and Accountability

The top three topics that came up during a recent meeting of Business of Agency Mastermind.

Topic #1: Strategic Niching

You’ve probably heard the phrase “riches in niches.” There’s a good reason for that.?

When we decided to hyper-focus Array Digital on law firms, the clarity was immediate. We dialed in our marketing and our messaging. That allowed us to get better law firm clients and learn faster. With that, we were able to provide better services and charge more because we knew the industry inside out, and we built a reputation tailored to the needs of law firms.

That’s the good news, but niching wasn’t a small decision.?

In the early days, we tried to be everything to everyone—software development, website design, and digital marketing. We were spread thin, with three incompatible services that effectively ran as three mini-companies under one roof. Pivoting from that model wasn’t fast or easy.

Once we drilled down and committed fully to digital marketing, everything changed. Law firms could see that we specialized in their world, understood their clients, and were offering marketing solutions that worked for law firms.?

We’ve since repeated the process with Rival Digital which focuses on HVAC contractors and with Crush Digital which focuses on medspas.

Having a niche makes it easier to stand out and it also raises your value. When you know your market, you become a problem-solver for them, not just a vendor.?

Topic #2: Agency Resilience Through Diversification

While niching down is powerful, I subscribe to diversification. Just like with a financial portfolio, if you don’t diversify then you’re vulnerable when the market turns.?

How can you niche and have diversification at the same time?

I have a goal of building a $100 million portfolio of agencies by 2030, but that’s risky if I lock into just a single sector. Some industries are more immune to market shifts, and I’ve zeroed in on niches that are recession-proof… law firms, HVAC, and medical services.

During COVID, demand didn’t dry up in HVAC, legal services, or healthcare. It actually grew in some areas. These industries rely on human expertise and hands-on work that’s tough to fully replace. These industries are proving to be AI-resistant as well.?

Working with these niches has been key to building an agency model that can withstand unpredictable market swings, helping us grow sustainably toward our big goal. Choosing resilient niches with strong foundations gives you something to fall back on when the next “disruption” hits.

Topic #3: Incremental Goal-Setting

Now let’s talk about a dirty little word in entrepreneurship–the grind.?

When you’re staring down a big number like $100 million, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. That’s why I break big goals down with “time boxing” and setting incremental steps. In the mastermind meeting, I commended one of the members for committing to a smaller goal for the week ahead rather than hoping he could get the whole project 100% done. Small steps, executed consistently, compound into big results.

Hitting my goals has always meant breaking them down into small daily advances. Early on, I made a costly mistake in calculating our monthly revenue goal—I miscalculated by a long shot. Initially, I thought $10,350 per month in new revenue would get us there, but the real number was closer to $59,000. That number was staggering, and we were nowhere near ready for that leap. But breaking it down into bite-sized, achievable goals kept us moving forward without the team feeling daunted. Every dollar, every client, every campaign is another step toward the big goal.

Holding yourself accountable keeps you on track. Weekly and monthly KPI reviews show us if we’re hitting the marks and what to improve. We don’t shy away from calling out when something’s off or when clients aren’t getting value. Knowing the numbers and confronting shortfalls lets us adjust in real time, ensuring we’re on track and moving forward.

In every agency owner’s journey, these elements—niching down, diversifying wisely, and staying accountable to the small steps—make a difference. Each one a daily discipline.?

What strategies do you use to keep your agency growing?

~ Erik


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