How small changes create big value
In 2008, UPS upgraded its routing software to discourage drivers from turning right across traffic (or left in the US). It was a small change that created massive savings in time, fuel, car accidents and money. In fact, UPS estimates this one change saves them more than $300 million per year.
You might not run a courier business or invest as much in technology as UPS but the same principles still apply. Using technology, small changes can create big improvements in efficiency and service quality.
Through the Digital Champions Club (DCC) we help growing businesses use a 'small changes' mindset to take their technology to the next level. And each quarter a small number of guests get to come and experience the program first hand. The next opportunity is on Friday, March 6 in Melbourne.
"The hardest part was making it think more like a driver and less like a computer."
Jack Levis, UPS Senior Director of Process Management
You do not have to be a technology expert to join the DCC. We support both business people to get technology and technology people to get business.
If 2020 is the year you want to move your business from an ad-hoc to systematised approach to technology please get in touch.