How as a Small Business We Became GDPR Compliant
Timothy "Tim" Hughes 提姆·休斯 L.ISP
Should have Played Quidditch for England
This blog was previously published on the DLA blog here
There are a lot of articles on GDPR which you can find on Google. But not all of them agree. In fact, the confusion is tangible. Many people think they can sit out GDPR or it does not apply.
Bad move. As a lawyer friend of mine once said, “ignorance isn’t a defence in a court of law”. So here is how my business became GDPR compliant and what I, as CEO, have discovered on that journey.
For those of you who don’t know what GDPR is, it’s European legislation that covers data privacy. Having seen the number of data breaches recently it seems timely that we start being more responsible about data.
I, as a customer, want others to treat my data with respect. So as a business, it’s only fair we treat other people’s with the respect it deserves.
Our GDPR journey
To explain, I’m the CEO of a small company, four people full time, with a total of 12 including Associates.
I went into the December board meeting expecting this to have been covered. In fact, I went into that meeting expecting to be able to put out a statement saying we were compliant.
Er no.
It was agreed that we would take “baby steps”. After all, we all have day jobs.
This blog is continued on the DLA blog here
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