How Slowing Down Improves Your Overall Health

How Slowing Down Improves Your Overall Health

I don’t know about you, but I have a REALLY hard time doing nothing.? If I’m awake, my mind is on and I feel like I need to be productive every moment until I go to bed at night.? If I’m not productive, my inner critic chimes in and makes sure I feel “less than” because I wasted the day away.? And when I used to work in corporate America, I also felt like I had to be doing something at all times to show my value and worth as an employee.??

Unfortunately our anxious minds want to be “doing” all the time - and if we aren’t physically active, we sure as heck are mentally active.? But this belief has a negative impact on our nervous system and our overall health.? Pausing to slow down, even just for a breath or two, can make a big difference in how we feel.? Here’s why rest is important and various ways you can start to slow down in your life in order to reduce overwhelm, feel more balanced and increase your productivity.?

Your body and mind only have so much energy to give out each day.? And the activities you do on a regular basis that keep you busy from the moment you open your eyes drain your energy. When you use all that energy up, you can be left feeling depleted. You feel fatigued, you might make poor decisions (or no decisions at all) and you might have a hard time controlling your emotions.? There is no more energy to support the executive function of the brain like regulating behavior and emotions, problem solving, planning, making decisions, resisting temptations (hello brownies) and being persistent when dealing with conflict or tough situations. When this happens, your “primitive brain” takes over and you react from your emotions rather than thinking things through.? And this is when we usually do something or say something that we’ll regret later.??

?When you are busy, it can be hard to remember how vital slowing down is to your overall health and well-being.? But here’s the thing.? Taking time to pause and connect back to the present moment throughout the day turns off your ramped up nervous system and allows your body and mind to relax so that you feel more grounded, clear and focused.??

Here’s an example:

Imagine you are holding a glass of muddy water that has just been shaken or stirred.? When all that muck is floating around in the water, it’s hard to see through the glass.? The more you keep moving the glass and disturbing the mud, the less clear the glass becomes.? But the moment you keep the glass still, the mud eventually settles to the bottom.? And just like that, you’re able to see through the glass with more clarity and ease.??

Your mind and body are a lot like that glass of muddy water.? The more you continue to “do”, the more your thoughts, emotions, stories and worries will float around like the mud in the glass, which will then cause your nervous system to ramp up and be on alert.? But, when you slow down, even just for a moment or two, your mind will start to settle, just like the glass of water, which will turn off your revved up nervous system and start to settle your mind so that you can make better decisions and feel more clear throughout the day.??

Some other benefits of slowing down include:?

  • Increased self-awareness?
  • Increased self-regulation
  • Getting more done in less time
  • Differentiate between what’s a priority and what is not
  • Improved connection with others?
  • Increased self confidence and resilience?

Tips to Start Slowing Down

You don’t need lots of time to start slowing down.? Simple, small pauses throughout the day to take a breath and return your mind to the present moment will start to create change.? Although it doesn’t feel like much in each moment, these simple acts of slowing down add up over time.? Eventually the nervous system doesn’t have a chance to rev and the mind doesn’t start to get overwhelmed because the glass of muddy water remains more still throughout the day so that the mud doesn’t scatter everywhere.? And you’re left feeling more calm, balanced and able to see clearly.??

Here are few ways to start adding in these small pauses throughout your day:?

  • Eat Mindfully.? Pay attention to each bite without the distractions of your computer, phone, TV or conversations with others.? Really notice how the food looks, tastes, smells, and what it’s texture feels like.? Simply enjoying your food can bring your awareness to the present and increase your sense of gratitude for the wonderful meal you are enjoying.??
  • Put a post-it note on your computer screen that says “pause” or “slow down”.? Each time you sit down to begin a task, take a moment to take two or three slow and deep breaths.? Then simply go about your day.? You can also put multiple “slow down” post-it notes in areas where you feel rushed or stressed (near the car ignition, cell phone picture background, etc.)?
  • Before going into a building, spend a few moments in nature.? Multiple studies have shown that time in nature is an antidote for stress.? It can lower your blood pressure and stress hormone levels, slow down your nervous system, increase your self-esteem, reduce your stress-level, reduce feelings of isolation and improve your mood.? Before you enter a building, pause and take a breath while noticing the things around you.??
  • Set a time to stretch or move every 25 minutes. ??From your seat, simply inhale and bring your arms over your head, wiggling your torso from side to side.? Release your arms and then roll your shoulders in both directions.? Take a simple twist to the left and then to the right.? End with some neck circles or wrist circles.? These small, quick movements will help reset the mind and body.?

When we are so busy, the first thing that goes is time for self-care and rest.? Hopefully now you realize that slowing down is vital for your overall health and well-being, and that it doesn’t need to be hours of self-care to make a difference.? Just a few short moments of pausing and returning back to the present can make all the difference in your life.??

If you’d like to learn different mindfulness techniques to help better manage your anxiety, be sure to follow me over on Facebook and Instagram and download my Free Guide: Tips to Start Meditating With Ease to join my mailing list!?


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