How Skillrobo Conjoin the Distance Between Recruiters and Applicants

How Skillrobo Conjoin the Distance Between Recruiters and Applicants

What is the hardest part of being a recruit? If you thought managing rejections, negotiating with candidates, finding the perfect fit, closing skill gaps are the difficulties faced by recruiters, then you are mistaken. The hardest part of recruiting is bridging the gap between recruiters and applicants. Seamless communication between recruiters and job seekers is a must to close open positions with the perfect fit. Superior candidate experience and engagement during the hiring process creates a favorable impression about the company in the candidate’s mind. Using pre-employment testing software to screen potential hires not only improves the efficiency of the hiring process, but also improves candidate experience.

What are pre-employment assessment tools?

Pre-employment assessment tools have become an integral part of the hiring strategy in several organizations. These skill assessments are a standardized way of evaluating skills and competencies of potential hires and cross checking if the skill matches the requirements of the role. Pre-employment assessment software combines technical skill with behavioural tendencies assessments that are critical for successful workplace performance.

Pre-employment skills tests can be customized according to the role for which the candidate is being hired. Talent is a combination of core traits and skills acquired through life/work experiences. Personality traits, behavioural tendencies, and cognitive ability are considered as core traits. Domain skills, technical skills, and communication skills are categorized as acquired skills.

Reasons for Using Pre-employment Screening Software

Employers use pre-employment screening software for many reasons-

Accelerate the hiring process- hiring teams use pre-employment skill assessments to quickly shortlist the applicant list. The time that the hiring team spends to sift through hundreds of resumes can be saved by using skill assessment tools.

Evaluate applicant’s skills holistically – as opposed to subjective candidate evaluations via conventional assessment methods, pre-employment assessments enable objective and unbiased candidate evaluation. These tests combine core traits and acquired skill assessments in order to get a complete idea of the skills and competencies of the candidate.

Improve quality of interviews – pre-employment assessments gather complete information on the candidate, which can be used by the employers to ask specific questions during the interview.

Bridging the Gap between Recruiters and Applicants with SkillRobo

SkillRobo is a pre-employment assessment software that enables role-based skill evaluations for key job positions across industries. A fully-customizable skill assessment software like Skillrobo ensures that the potential hires are evaluated on essential skills required to perform well in their role.

The list of evaluations included in SkillRobo are: job knowledge tests, cognitive ability tests, integrity tests, personality tests, emotional intelligence tests, skills assessment tests, psychometric tests, and physical ability tests. Instant reports and analytics on section wise performance of the candidate is provided to the hiring team.

The hiring team will be able to understand completely about the candidate with the information gathered from these tests. The candidate gets a clear impression on what to expect from the organization via pre-employment assessments. Comprehensive skill assessments like the ones in SkillRobo effectively bridge the gap between recruiters and job applicants, thereby, enabling effective and efficient hiring. To know more about SkillRobo, sign up for the free trial.

Related Blogs: How Online Assessment Helps to Streamline your Candidate Search



