How to Silence the Inner Critic
Dr. Marcia Martin
Heal Your Heart, Transform Your Life! I help spiritual seekers recover from abuse and trauma with the assistance of the angels.
Dear ones all of you have silent voices in your head. Those conversations that rebuke or encourage your actions. Yet, many of you give ground religiously to the voice of criticism telling yourself that it’s the voice of God there to make sure you’re making the correct choice or taking the proper action. It’s helping you stay on the straight and narrow or the path that will lead to your eventual success but we want you to hear the truth with your heart. If God is love, which is all the Divine are capable of being, why would they choose to criticize and correct your every thought, word and deed? Before you answer, that you believe this to be loving correction, we must ask you, “Is this the way you speak and interact with your own children? Do you bully, berate and try to intimidate them into making more of themselves?” You do not, of course, for you recognize how counterproductive this kind of behavior would be. Therefore, why do you believe you can assign this behavior to the infinite intelligence that governs your very existence? Do you not see how perfectly backward that thinking is? Are you now ready to examine your own behavior for similar signs of insanity not so you can feel ashamed or even be held accountable but so you can finally be free of the critical voice that urges you toward mediocrity at best and doom at worst? You, each one of you, have a responsibility to yourselves and that includes being the best version of yourself, fulfilling your life purpose and then taking what you’ve learned and using it to assist others in becoming their best. However, before you can help another with any degree of proficiency, you must first learn how to cultivate the Divine within yourself. None of you can navigate your life journeys alone but all of you have God within and in partnership with the Divine each one of you is able to overcome the inner critic and succeed.
So exactly how can you successfully silence the inner critic while opening a channel for Divine communication? For this to happen effectively you must engage in three life-changing actions. First, you must stop speaking about yourself, others and even the world around you with any kind of criticism. As you judge, so shall you be judged. Therefore, it’s imperative that you change the nature of your conversation. Instead of dissecting others for the content of their characters, their clothing and their financial status learn to cultivate the habit of the compliment. Many of you will find it difficult to break the habit of correction. Most of you have lived your lives either being corrected or being the corrector always with the adage that this is being done for your or their own good. However, we ask you to be the observer. When you see a child being told they’re smart, cute, beautiful, talented or some other form of compliment, they’re unguarded presence expands and shines. It makes you feel good to have built them up and it makes them feel good to be told they’re worthy. It’s a win-win for both sides and the ebullience created stretches on for miles on either side of the interaction. You can feel the delight, the surge of energy and the enthusiasm that’s being shared. Conversely, when you bring the spirit of criticism or the energy of correction to a child you watch then wilt and deflate, as if they’re caving in on themselves, and as surely as you succeeded in spreading enthusiasm and joy, you’ve now taken all the air out of the room and shared unworthiness or not good enough thereby creating a vacuum of despair. It’s into this vacuum that the inner critic strolls, bringing with them what will become a lifelong acquaintance with not good enough and unworthiness. If you want to break off that relationship you’ll have to stop looking for what you and others are doing wrong and refocus your attention only on what’s being done that’s right.
Second, you’ll need to achieve self-mastery. The time has come gone for any of you to participate in your spiritual journey as children content to feed from their mother’s breast. It’s imperative that you put aside the playthings of the past and get serious about your spiritual life. Instead of being the thing you’ll get to if there’s time, it must become the way you begin and end each day. Up until now, your life may have consisted of a series of excuses, a list of reasons why you cannot impose restrictions on the thoughts you’re generating or the behavior you’re engaging in. If you want to silence the inner critic and move forward on your spiritual journey you must stop allowing yourself to make excuses for why something can’t be accomplished. Instead of playing the victim and making a list of all the ways in which you were wronged which in turn make it why you cannot be successful. Learn to look at all that is with gratitude and make a list of why you can. In the beginning, you’ll have to impose strict discipline, you’ll have to set reminders and adhere to a rigid schedule of positive, life-affirming behaviors so you can break yourself of the habit of learned negative behavior. But, once you’ve learned to be a master of the self, you’ll have no desire to return to being a child nursing at its mother’s breast for you’ll feel the power of independence and crave even more. You’ll recognize just how powerful you are and you’ll desire to become even more powerful. Once you recognize all that is possible you’ll never be able to settle for less but because this is the power of the Divine it doesn’t come with the ability to corrupt. As you rise higher, as you gain certainty, you’re deepest desire will be to share that knowledge with another. You’re light cannot be hidden and your enthusiasm will act as a beacon for other seekers. Yet, this will not happen for you or anyone else if you give in to the voice of criticism or the voice of laziness that tells you, you cannot do it or that you can do it later. Commit to doing it now and be the star you agreed to come here to be.
Third, you must silence the inner critic by proving it wrong. Nothing puts an end to criticism like success. Since each of you are already hard-wired for success and each of you has access to a Divine partnership we now charge you to go out and do it. Nothing can prevent your success. You may experience delays, keep going. You may experience setbacks, keep going. You may even experience outright failure. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and take the next step. Spend no time blaming yourself or others. You learned why in step one so immediately begin congratulating yourself for getting up and taking a step. Now apply disciplined focus and take the next step as you were instructed in step two. Practice self-mastery instead of excuses for why you can’t and you will have mastered step three which is to silence the inner critic with success.
As you repeatedly look at what you’re doing right and congratulate yourself, then demand that that behavior continues even when you want to quit you’re creating an expectation. The expectation of greatness which completely overshadows the inner critic until it slinks away into the shadow leaving you to bask in the sunshine of accomplishment.
Marcia Martin M Ed – The Heart Healer, your relationship expert, guides you in improving all of your relationships, beginning with the most important one, yourself. Using her extensive education as well as her intuitive gifts she will bring you a breakthrough in gentle transformation. Using her proprietary method: The Spiritual Heart Healing Technique, she guides you in accessing the memories that are holding you, prisoner. By eliminating the unconscious program that is running in the background and sabotaging your life, you experience true freedom.
Her program targets the energetic heart center where every emotional memory and its triggers are stored. Once these memories are cleared and healed you are able to live life on your terms, as your authentic self, empowered to live your life on purpose as the person you came here to be. Heal your heart and transform your life!
Message her for a complimentary, thirty-minute consultation at