How Side Dump Trailers Can Handle Loading and Dumping at Mine Sites
Once mining materials are out of the ground, operators are tasked with loading, hauling, and unloading those materials as efficiently as possible. Tractor trailers can be an effective solution in many of these cases.
When compared to larger haul units, side dump trailer configurations allow smaller, less expensive loaders to be used due to the lower trailer tub height. A tractor unit from 70 ton up to 200 tons has a comparable load height to most 40-ton ridged frame load height requirements. Due to smaller bin sizes and indexing requirements, loading times tend to be a bit longer with larger multiple tub trailers, but this time is offset with the speed of the haul and the reduced cost associated with the trailer units.
For dump areas that use stockpiles or high walls, side dump trailers are very effective. The side door of the trailer extends out and over the berm area to prevent material buildup. And trailers can safely close while the unit is moving, eliminating the need to wait in place for the full dump cycle. This also speeds up dumping of multiple bin units as they unload. While this unloading process generally takes more time for trailers, that time can easily be made up with faster return trip speeds on longer hauls.
Safety considerations should also be taken into account. The fact is, 75% of all accidents happen in reverse. Those large haul units must back into the unloading area; side dump trailers do not need to back up. This means faster, safer dumping for your mine operation.