How to Show 1K people your CV today
Thank you to the >1K people who Subscribed to Interim Times. As I said on launching Interim Times I am here to help you if you are an Interim or thinking of becoming one. Firstly, please read Edition 1 and choose from Options (1) to (4) with regard to your 'win work' Strategy. My personal approach is a combination of them and I deliberately created my own Brand to have a Market presence. I am at this 12 years so it make sense.
I would actually advise all Interims to do this as it demonstrates that you are committed to making your name known for what you do. It screams self starter and how you choose to do this in practice screams innovation as well. Employers want to see you didn't just sit on your laurels you put yourself out there. Be brave give it a go.
However, at this point I suspect that the majority actually fall into Category 2 whereby you need the Recruitment Market to win work. Perfectly reasonable that you are in Option (2) if you are starting out. As I said yesterday the people who are 'found' win the work, so no sitting in your Ivory Tower thinking you are the best. You need to go hunting.
LinkedIn, as I mentioned previously, was created to match job seekers with job holders. Its like a Dating site but to be fair to LinkedIn I would suggest its vastly more effective. It provides incredible Creator Tools and you are currently reading one.
You can have up to 5 Newsletters to address different Topics or Market Segments and this one is aimed at helping my compadres in the Interim Shark Tank. I set this up just for you. I genuinely want to see my Peers win work.
All my Training Courses teach the value of measurement, so here are the all important Stats, the legendary 'scores on the doors'. Newsletters get sent to all your 1st Degree Connections. I started this Newsletter Sunday afternoon, by today it had, you guessed it >1K Subscribers. This is good numbers, a good return. Remember, not everyone uses LinkedIn even if they have a Profile and are your Connection, it does not mean they are active.
So go to your LinkedIn Profile, select Write Article and compose a Newsletter to host that Article don't just write an Article give it a Home. When it is written LinkedIn will do the rest and send your Newsletter to everyone in your Connections List. They may say Yes or No but you are now in the game as they say.
If you need help reach out but it is fairly self explanatory and it designs the Image for you. Write something that catches the eye and interest of your Connections and hopefully by attaching your CV Profile One Pager they remember you when it matters most. You don't even need to write 50 of them, one will do.
I suggest you do this regardless of how low you think your Connections List is. Job hunting is pure Maths, provided you can walk the talk, its how many jobs via how many routes can land in your Inbox. Do the Maths on your own personal numbers. I know mine.
Create a CV Profile in Word, one Page is enough, convert it to a JPEG and attach it to the Newsletter as an Image. Below is a fully worked example. This is the best Job Hunting advice you will ever receive and for the record I do everything below and I am currently hunting for my next assignment.
What I would most love at the moment is either a Turnaround situation or an SSC set up. I love working with big teams and I love even more turning around those who have been written off. Having achieved both on multiple occasions bringing a Team back up to their required performance levels or better still exceeding them is what inspires me.
Its what I have in common with Erik Ten hag...
Good hunting folks,
I added a PS after that Image below its worth a read if you currently looking. I was going to Post as a Comment but it could easily be missed.
There are now 1,039 Subscribers and I have glanced through the full List. The Job Titles, if you are seriously looking for a job really do need some work if you want to match up in a Search. Less is more Folks. Describing something in a descriptive manner in a a Job Title is a complete waste of words. I mean that most sincerely.
I am well aware there are many who are not looking so please ignore me and call yourself whatever works best for you. This is only for the Interims that need a new Role.