How should you train in-season?

How should you train in-season?


It’s important to understand that only 1-2% of cricketers currently playing the game make it professionally. When I say professional I mean you are able to pay the bills, earn a living and pay the mortgage. Not simply play cricket and rely on parents handouts! There are 98-99%. WEEKEND WARRIORS who rely on careful weekly [microcycle] planning to ensure optimum performance for game day. Professional cricketers have their own Strength and Conditioning coach so they are looked after. My opinions on how they should train and prepare for games are probably different to some S&C’s out there but it’s my take on things. Doesn’t mean it’s right or wrong but you can guarantee one thing, I would have tried and tested everything I endorse.

My main concern is those in the weekend warrior group who aren’t really being catered for. Even if you are in an academy set up it doesn’t guarantee you the information that’s needed to PREPARE AND PERFORM to the best of your ability. Professional S&C’s have limited time, so contact time with them is probably only once a week at best. They have many players to support.

Ok, a question I get asked a lot is HOW TO PREPARE FOR GAME DAY in particular WARM UP before bowling. In my opinion the preparation for next Saturday’s game begins right after this Saturday’s game finishes! What you do straight after your game will set up the week’s preparation for next week’s game. So in fact WARMING UP for Saturday’s game is a week long process. Don’t worry I will show you how to warm up before the game as well.?

The WEEKEND WARRIOR IN SEASON programme that I designed is the best that’s out there. I designed this based on a program I received from the best Strength and Conditioner in the world in 2006. I’ve changed it as I’ve learned more over the years but the principle is the same. OVERLOAD the start of the week with heavy work and then finish it with light explosive work! A Simple process of SUPERCOMPINSATION

This is how the week should look if you only play on the weekends.


This is a plan that I design a bowler/cricketer who only plays on the weekend. The training phase isn’t too dissimilar to a winter program in terms of weekly routine. The volume and focus in each workout is different though. The key thing to remember is the fact you have trained hard all winter for this moment. ‘THE CRICKET SEASON’. You need to be ready for your Saturday games. Not fatigued and sore from doing a heavy squatting or Benching session with your mates on Friday!

It's really important to emphasise if you are a weekend warrior you're never out of season as such! Playing 2-days a week isn't really in season and if you have the mentality of 'it's in season so I mustn't train you will be bowling backwards within 3 weeks. I guarantee you. In season is 5-6 days per week playing. Even then you should always be doing something. Ballistic training, RAMPIPE session, OU weighted ball PAP work, Mobility and stability work is also training. It doesn't have to be strength training and in the confines of the gym!

As a ‘WEEKEND WARRIOR’ you are in an ideal situation where you can actually PEAK for every game. My best seasons were always after I spent time in Australia where I trained like I'm about to show you in the week and transferred the gains into 'game readiness' on the Saturday. The closer you can keep your skill training to your strength training the better chance it has of transferring.

A quality program should taper at the end of the week for this purpose. You go from the heaviest workout on Monday and Tuesday to the most EXPLOSIVE on Friday and Saturday morning. This in part is due to the residual effect of speed training but also due to the heightened effect CNS dominant speed training will have on performance the following day. You need to experiment to see what works. It may mean throwing medicine balls around, bowling weighted balls [over or underloaded-depending on your bowling type and limiting factor] or Olympic lifts variations. Note; I no longer plan Olympic lifts to remote athletes to be honest but it may work for some.

It’s important you get into the habit of training on the morning of a game. It wakes you up and gets your CNS firing for the game. Make sure you leave 3-6 hours before you play. Trust me it works. I’ve did it for 20yrs! Please get out of the mentality that Gym work is bodybuilding work. Gym work is PERFORMANCE TRAINING! Sorry let me re-phrase that. A smart planned program from a qualified trainer is performance training and is always based on enhancing your cricket. Ok let me take you through my thinking regarding preparing for Saturday.


After a day’s rest from your game you need to train your legs. The legs need to be trained with at least 5 days of rest before the next game [It actually takes 10 days to recover from a hard lower body sessions and 5 days for an upper body workout] Focus on basic compound lifts. I would always start with a basic jump drill to activate the CNS to make the workout more efficient. Something simple like 2 x 6 vertical jumps will do. Perform this after a full mobility and blood circulation section [Ladder drill/Jog etc]. I would follow the ‘RAMP’ protocol during every session. Get out of the mindset that it’s just an add on. A warm up is an integral part of the session.

As a bowler you need to assess honestly how stressful your Saturday game was. Did you bowl a heap of rubbish and only bowl 2 overs or did you charge in and bowl rockets!! If you really stressed yourself then I would not load the spine too much in the Lower body days. Maybe instead of Barbell squats do Barbell Hip thrusts or even Db walking lunges [experiment with these as they produce a lot of muscle trauma] but make sure it’s heavy enough. In addition do a eccentric focus posterior chain exercise, like glue ham raise and a core stability exercise [anti flexion or anti rotation]. The template I design my bespoke quicks is challenging but auto regulated. If you’re sore just do HALF the sets in the session. Take control of your training. If you feel good then do the 10-12 sets planned.

Basically just pick 1 MAIN EXERCISE and get strong or at least maintain strength throughout the training phase

IMPORTANT!!!!! Always try and maintain muscle mass and strength throughout the season, whatever your level. What is the point of letting yourself de-train every season? Firstly ,trophies aren’t won at the start of the season they are won at the end [the strongest will survive] Secondly it’s a waste of your time and effort if you don’t at least try to maintain strength in-season because otherwise?you will be starting the next off season phase in the same physical condition as you were the last one. PLEASE AIM TO START NEXT GPP FROM WHERE YOU FINISHED IN PCP

On Tuesdays you can perform a heavy Upper body session. The upper body workout should have lots of volume, maybe more hypertrophy and strength in the pulling muscles [Decelerators ] and more CNS intensive focus but non muscle trauma techniques for the Pushing [Accelerators] muscles. Always lift explosively! Lift heavy but still have the Intent to move the bar quickly. Aim for 10-12 sets in this workout. I'm a huge fan of isometric training for the pushing muscles as it produces less muscle trauma but has the ideal training effect. This is a great day to perform a contrast training method of functional isometric press contrast with a heavy weighted ball.

There is scope to do a gentle 20-30min steady state run/cardio [70% Heart rate] on Wednesday morning to OXYGINATE the blood and help the recovery process. This is optional. Maybe do it on an empty stomach to get a maximum fat loss benefit as well. I appreciate appetite increases during the season and those extra pounds can creep onto the waist line!


As you get closer to GAME DAY the speed of the exercise increases and the weight of the bar/implement decreases. On the Thursday you will perform 2 sessions to really ‘AMP’ you up for Saturday. Start your net session with some lateral, vertical or long jumps and some ballistic medicine ball throws. This bowling session should be flat out off your full run up. Focus on SPEED!!!!!!!!

On Tuesday I would have simply worked on grooving my technique and bowling for Volume [Endurance] at 70% effort for a good 30-40min in the net. On the Thursday session it’s about bowling flat out for 15-20mins. Let’s get into the habit of not doing every net session at the same pace. Ask your body to go flat out only when planned and in the GAME. I'm of the opinion if you don't use it you will lose it. You have to bowl quickly every 5 days otherwise you will lose the ability and the mindset to bowl quickly.

The Thursday morning session would be based mainly on performing basic compound lifts with light weight [50-60% max] very quickly. Again 8-12 sets in total and then only 4 x 8-10 on the Basic jumps/Throws pre bowling in the evening.


Friday is a great day to throw some Medicine ball around and bowl weighted balls. 12 sets in total only. Use a 1kg-2kg Medicine ball for the throws and a 110g/180/220g Weighted ball for a total of 2-4 overs bowling off a few steps.

This is crucial to the success of your in season training. “DO NOT HAVE FRIDAY OFF BEFORE YOUR GAME!” The short residual effect seen with speed means you must always peak with speed as close to the day of competition as possible. Friday is a great day to make your training really specific[Special strength]. Use OU weighted ball training to really activate your CNS and have a direct carryover to your bowling.

This is also a great time to do some skill-stability work


As a warm up for the game it is ideal to do a small volume of Medicine ball drills and light basic jumps 3-6 hours PRE-game. Only do 3-6 sets of 4-6 reps on 1-2 variations in total and make sure you have time for 2 meals/snack before you play [excluding pre-game supplementation plan].?

Ok to help you out I will show you exactly how I would plan 'GAME DAY' . Please remember I played for a long time and taken lot of supplements so start of with some of these ideas before jumping straight in, especially if you’re young!

8 am-Wake up

1 tea spoon ALKALYSING SALTS in a cup of water [Prpltd]


  • 1 scoop HIIT fuel [Prpltd]
  • 1 scoop Amino work capacity [Prpltd]


  • A1, Mb standing rotational shot pass-3 x 6 each arm/2kg
  • A2, Box jumps-3 x 6
  • B1, Mb block drop step overhead throw-3 x 6/2kg
  • B2, Long jumps-3 x 6


  • 1 scoop Amino work capacity [Prpltd]


  • 1 scoop Anabolic drive [Prpltd]
  • Half-1 scoop VIT C plus
  • Half -1 scoop ultimate greens [Prpltd] or other quality green drink formula
  • 2000mg vitamin C in tablet form
  • Phosphatidylserine product-500mg

11am- MEAL 1

  • 2 tablet of Super digestive enzymes [Prpltd] or any other Digestive enzyme
  • 2 capsules Fish oil capsule [Prpltd] or any other quality fish oil capsule/liquid
  • 5-10,000 IU Vitamin D [I take in capsule form at the start of the season only. As the sun begins to shine again I don’t take any in capsule form

Whole food consisting of;

Salad or Vegetables

  • 1 portion [size of palm of hand] Low glycemic carbs like Sweet Potato
  • 1 portion protein like a chicken breast or 6 egg omlette
  • 1 portion of fat like Handful of nuts/teaspoon Olive oil or coconut oil or half an avocado

Note; This can be called your breakfast[1st meal of the day!] if it makes it easier to plan


I appreciate this part is out of your control but my aim is to educate the coaches so your team warm ups will look very similar to this.

I follow the ‘RAMP’ protocol with my entire warm up routine. Whether it’s a STRENGTH SESSION or a TECHNICAL SESSION

I follow my own ‘RAMPIPE’ plan . Training day and pre game is exactly the same up but different in volume and each session is the same until the focus changes based on what specific intervention is needed.


40-45 min total warm up


Through low intensity movements aim to raise core temperature, heart rate and increase blood flow. This can be performed as a slow jog around outfield, shuttle running or grid running. My favourite is ladder drills because you can increase heart rate whilst you still have a limited range of movement. Whatever you choose the drills need to be dynamic in nature. You could do something like rugby Auckland grid for cricket or you can do a low intensity Roller ball game. Basically anything that raises your heart rate. I would get the ball introduced early as well. Make it fun!

Running drills; A skips, Carioca/Side shuffle/High skips/High knees/Heel flicks/Backward cycle

Ladder drills;?Fast feet, Icky shuffle, spotty dogs, hop scotch, side shuffle


This part of the warm up aims to ‘wake up’ the smaller/stabilizing muscles. [This is where the buzz word prehabilitation would come in]

Band glute sidewalks/Bulldog stance hip circuit/Hip pops/Light Mb rotator cuff drills [Mb wall dribble drill] /Light MB multiple response wall throws /Front, Side core Planks/ Rotator cuff ‘ITYW’ routine or thera band routine/Depth-Altitude landings [single and 2 legs], floor superman’s, back extensions, press ups with a twist

Pick 3 or 4 exercises and do 1-2 sets of 10-15 reps one each


The intensions here are to increase range of motion around key joints that are essential to the performance, such as the hips and lower back

Hurdle step over and under/ Broom overhead squats/ Deep bodyweight squat/walking lunges [forward/sideways]/ Prone [face down] cobras/Supine [on your back] back rotations/Supine back rolls/Back rolls into V stretch/ Back rolls into hurdler stretch

Pick 3 or 4 exercises and do 1-2 sets of 10-15 reps one each


This is where batters and bowlers should separate. Batters should move on to having throw downs and bowlers really step up the intensity of the warm up

This is where the intensity of the warm-up is increased to replicate your performance. This is the ‘Game ready’ section which will consist of movements that are specific to bowling. They will be done at maximal effort with the aim of increasing muscle fiber recruitment [especially Fast twitch fibers, Type 2a & 2b]. This phase aims to enhance your bowling performance.?

If you haven’t managed to do the early morning workout this is the time to do it but only do 1 set of each in a circuit fashion then follow up with BOWLING.?

Did you perform early morning session? YES

Bowl 3-6 balls off 2 step run up. Use the seam up balls if you have them ['Aggot balls']

Bowl 3-6 balls off short run up but with good intensity

Bowl 2 balls with 260g ball, then 2 balls with 220g ball, then 2 balls with 180g and finish with 1 ball with a cricket ball all off a short run

Bowl 3 balls with normal ball off your FULL RUN.

NO, I didn’t perform early morning session

A1, Mb standing rotational shot pass-1 x 6 each arm/2kg

A2, Box jumps-1 x 6

A3, Mb block drop step overhead throw-1 x 6/2kg

A4, Long jumps-1 x 6

Then follow the OU weighted ball pre match bowling routine as above


By this time you know if you’re batting or Bowling. If you’re batting then have a small POST WORKOUT DRINK. I follow the morning protocol of;

  • 1 scoop ultimate protein[Prpltd]
  • Half -1 scoop ultimate greens [Prpltd] or other quality green drink formula
  • 1 scoop vitamin C formula [Prpltd] or 2000mg vitamin C in tablet form
  • Phosphatidylserine product-500mg

All recommended supplements can be found here

If you’re bowling then it gets much more personalised. How do you feel after the warm up? If you’re full of energy then just have some water. I would now follow this morning’s PRE-WORKOUT DRINK routine. You need to be aware that having too much caffeine isn’t ideal and you need to assess your tolerance to it during practice sessions. Caffeine raises your heart rate so be very careful when using it before bowling. So, no Redbull please!! I use a non-stimulte drink. Something like ‘Bodyoctane’ from MAN or ‘Utima’ from Omega sports. Anything that includes good effective doses of BCCA’s, Citrulline malate, L-Carnitine L-Tartrate, Beta Allanine and Creatine [Optional!].

If you’re opening the bowling then drink it when you’re putting your boots on and changing to get ready. However, if you’re a change bowler then give the 12th man or the coach a shout about 20mins before you bowl. Most teams and captains have a bowling routine so as the season progresses the timings of your on field warm up routine and supplement routine becomes like easier.

Important note with regards the bowling warm up. If you are an opening bowler then it’s easy to warm up. You have an hour to do it properly and then you’re unleashed on the opposition. However as a change bowler you could end up warming up 3 times in the day before you actually get to bowl the ball!! The key is to follow the RAMP protocol every time but the only difference is in the volume. So you’ve done the early morning session, the pre game session and now you’ve had the call from the captain. ‘You’re on in 2 overs!!’ Please make sure the captain tells you at least 2 overs before you bowl. It’s not too much to ask them. That gives you 6-10 mins to warm up

  • Raise heart rate
  • Jog and do some running drills etc [wherever you are fielding]
  • Walk through bowling action
  • Activate
  • Floor hip routine and press ups
  • Mobilise
  • Back rolls/Scorpions/Iron cross/walking lunges


Perform 6 x Burpees and here’s one for you that I’ve never seen anyone else do! Take your jumper off and go through your bowling action. The resistance from the wind etc overloads the bowling action. If you’re not wearing a jumper perform some clap press ups. Anything explosive. I’ve stood down on the boundary before with a medicine ball and a weighted ball and did my drills. However the umpires didn’t approve, maybe because it was Lords, but you may get better luck than I did, try it.

The above routine will take 5 mins max. Make sure you get ready to bowl however tired or stiff you feel. Get the stiffness out now or the batter will capitalise on it and all that weekly preparation will be wasted because the captain will take you off!! So GET IT DONE!!


When I bowled throughout my bowling spell I sipped on a specific drink that starts the recovery process as I’m performing!

In 1-2 litre of water have some BCCA’s and some Carbohydrates like D-Glucose Polymers, maltodextrin or VITARGO and take the 2 hrs to drink it. I use;

2 scoop HIIT Fuel [Prpltd] or Work capacity [Prpltd]


2 scoops SURGE WORKOUT FUEL [biotest]


As I mentioned earlier this POST GAME WINDOW is crucial for the quality of the week’s training coming up.?

In the 30mins following the game or bowling [If you bowled 1st] you need to

A, have a recovery drink

1 scoop ultimate protein [Prpltd]

Half -1 scoop ultimate greens [Prpltd] or other quality green drink formula

1 scoop vitamin C formula [Prpltd] or 2000mg vitamin C in tablet form

Phosphatidylserine product-500mg

B, Perform a series of Static stretching- Hold stretch for 30-60secs on each body part

C, Foam rolling [self massage]/Tennis ball triggering or Physio Massage

D, 2 min hot bath contrasted with 30sec COLD shower. Perform for 10mins

8pm- POST MATCH MEAL or TEAM TEA [3hrs earlier]

If you bowled 1st then this is how your match day team teas should look. If you batted 1st then I would skip the team teas and have it after the game.

2 tablet of Super digestive enzymes [Prpltd] or any other Digestive enzyme

2 capsules Fish oil capsule [Prpltd] or any other quality fish oil capsule/liquid

5-10,000 IU Vitamin D [I take in capsule form at the start of the season only. As the sun begins to shine again I don’t take any in capsule form

Whole food consisting of;

Salad or Vegetables

1 portion [size of palm of hand] Low glycemic carbs like Sweet Potato

1 portion protein like a chicken breast or 6 egg omlette

1 portion of fat like Handful of nuts/teaspoon Olive oil or coconut oil or half an avocado

Try and stay away from bread, sausage rolls etc that are given at match day teas. If in doubt bring your own!!


  • 1 tea spoon ALKALYSING SALTS in a cup of water [Prpltd]


  • Protein liquid source. Good Protein powder blend including Casein-20-30g, based on bodyweight
  • Fat source. Udo’s choice oil, handful of nuts etc


  • ZMA
  • GABA [Gamma-Aminobutryic Acid]

Note: the names of the supplements may have changed

Day after GAME DAY

The day after you bowl is so important and it’s a day that often gets wasted. What happens if you don’t get this day right is it affects the quality of the week coming up. I know this may sound controversial but please DON’T JUST DO NOTHING on SUNDAY! Obviously if you’re playing then just follow SATURDAY’s routine again. However if it’s a DAY OFF then it’s a REGENERATION DAY.

You must try and eat good quality food on this day! Have 3 whole meals and 2 snacks, one of them being a POST TRAINING snack [Follow Saturday’s outline]?

Yep, you heard it right! Post training. You need to get into the habit of training every day during the season. Now just because I said training, it doesn’t mean hitting the gym and cracking out 10 sets of squats. Training also means REGENERATION TRAINING. Techniques that aid recovery! I will give you a few options and it’s up to you to experiment and find what works best.

I will write a whole article on REGENERATION TRAINING this week


  1. 1. Non-impact Energy system work [ESW]
  2. 2. Static stretching and foam rolling
  3. 3. Active dynamic flexibility
  4. 4. Massage?
  5. 5. Sauna and Jacuzzi
  6. 6. High rep bodyweight circuit-Squats, press ups, pull ups etc
  7. 7. EMS ‘Compex’ session
  8. 8. Eccentric less training- TRX circuit, Prowler dragging upper and lower, Reverse band lifting
  9. 9. Active recovery NEURAL RECHARGE CIRCUIT [My favourite!]

‘I firmly believe that taking a day completely "off" is worse for recovery and hinders performance. In fact, I'm always weaker, and actually sorer, after taking 2-3 days off from training. It's the same even if I feel physically rested at the end of the layoff.?

Inactivity leads to nervous system "down-regulation" (low activation), which always leads to detraining and bad performances. Inactivity also impedes the inflammation-response signals, which leads to increased soreness and much longer recovery periods

If you feel like you need a break, there's always a training solution that's far better than time off. For example, if I lack motivation or drive to train, it indicates CNS fatigue and accordingly, I'll do a neural charge workout. On the other hand, if I feel strong mentally but not fully rested physically, then I'll do an eccentric-less training session to snap me out of the rut’.

Christian Thibaudeau-Leading performance trainer

The weekend warrior is the foundation of cricket. Hopefully this article will provide support for those who want to excel on match day


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