How to Shop for Data!
By the click of a "Buy Now" button, just about everything we desire nowadays is available to us seamlessly, simply, and quickly. Be it clothing, household goods, groceries, TVs, automobiles, or an ever expanding array of products, today's consumers have gotten accustomed to the simplicity of shopping for whatever they need from the comfort of their chosen device. These consumers have developed similar expectations of ease of access in other aspects of life, such as in the workplace.
Data is a very valuable product that is in high demand, as today's most innovative organizations rely on it to drive critical decision making. Much like other consumers, data consumers need a seamless experience in shopping for the data that they need to make critical business decisions.
I recently wrote a blog entry entitled How to Shop for Data that shows how the Data Catalog component of Denodo 's Data Management Platform can be used to guide data consumers through the data shopping journey. Please check it out and share the good news within your data circles. Let's go shopping !!