How SHIFT PMs are maintaining work-life balance!

How SHIFT PMs are maintaining work-life balance!

This week, we interviewed three SHIFT project managers from the Internet Service Department about what it's like to work at SHIFT and the childcare benefits!

Who is SHIFT?

So the most important question. Who is SHIFT? And what do we do?

SHIFT started as a quality assurance company and industry with few competitors, putting us on the market.

We are unique because we have established an unconventional approach to software testing, which allows non-engineers to participate in various stages of the development process.

Currently, we support our clients in creating services that sell by providing comprehensive IT solutions from the upstream process to operation and maintenance.

We are continuing to grow, surpassing all forecasted growth. Our ultimate goal is to become a company that can help solve social issues.

For example, we are currently focusing on resolving the shortage of IT engineers. To achieve this, we have found that breaking out of the typical structure of using multiple subcontractors greatly helps resolve the issue. As a part of this, we move to value and evaluate our engineers properly so they are appropriately rewarded.

A couple of actions we have implemented to do this is?

  • Conducting evaluations twice a year
  • A clear grade system with 100 job classifications and salary tables.
  • An evaluation system based on quantitative indicators with career paths lined out.

As a result, we have consistently achieved an average annual salary increase of more than 10%.

Features of SHIFT's work environment

About SHIFT’s Flexible Working Style

At SHIFT, we have implemented a remote work system, which is especially well received by those who have children or family members to take care of. In addition to remote work, we also support early or late start and finish times.

We also have other benefits to help those working and raising children. These include preferential entry into kindergartens and pre-schools that SHIFT partners with. Shortened work hours are available until the beginning of the 5th grade of elementary school. (In Japan, by law, a parent can only ask for shortened work hours until the child is 3 years old.)

Other events, such as Kids Summer School, are also available. During long vacations, which tend to be boring, we take care of children from working employees and help them create memories through programs such as programming and work experience.

Quick introduction about the interviewees

Introducing Mr. S.T., Mr. N.H., and Mr. S.M.

What is it like working as a PM?

S.M.:As a PM, I am the point of contact with the customer, formulate test plans, and manage the progress of test execution and members. Outside of the project, I also create proposal materials for new clients.

N.H.:As a service manager, I am in charge of organizing PMs for multiple projects, setting KPIs for the client's mission, reporting, and making new proposals.

How has your career progressed since joining SHIFT?

S.T.:In my case, a major career advancement was taking on the role of line manager, which I had never done before in a fast-growing organization.

We have more than 100 new hires monthly as a company, and the constant change is what makes SHIFT what it is. I also provide management and career counseling to members. My mission is to create an environment where members can work peacefully, even in an organization undergoing significant change. Because this is a company that is always growing, there is no limit to everyone’s growth, which is very rewarding.

N.H.: In my case, I was originally in the apparel industry, but after joining SHIFT, I have broadened my skills by experiencing a wide range of industries.

S.M.:I also feel that I contribute to the actual business by managing projects and analyzing and making customer proposals.

S.T.:As a manager, I want everyone to do something they didn't get to experience in their previous jobs.

For example, in his previous job, S.M. took his time by working on one project at a time. N.H. has good business instincts and is good at creating strong relationships with clients, so I hope he continues to brush up and expand his skills to increase the strength of our client relationships.

Work Style: Have you been able to spend more time with your family since joining SHIFT?

N.H.: Compared to my previous job, I have a lot more time. I have a discretionary work schedule, which allows me to leave my desk when I have child-related matters to attend to. I am grateful that my boss and team members around me are understanding.

When I have time, I sometimes watch the SHIFT Splatoon Club's tournaments with my children. The livestream is so detailed and interesting that you don't have to know the game to enjoy it.

S.M.:Since I have more available time, I have enough to take a bath with my children not only on weekends but also on weekdays.

S.T.:Like S.M., I find that there’s more time to spend with my children. Also, I can work remotely when my child is sick, sometimes while he sleeps next to me.

From a manager's point of view, each member has various career aspirations. Some prioritize their family, while others are more motivated to grow and advance their career. I think SHIFT is unique in that we emphasize accommodating each individual and working out a working style that works with them. This is a unique and important characteristic of SHIFT.

Have you ever used SHIFT's childcare system?

S.T.:In my team, nine employees worked shorter hours and/or took maternity or childcare leave. Recently, more and more fathers are taking paternity leave, and I know that a member of the same team as S.M. also took paternity leave. It’s great seeing this becoming the norm.

S.M.:We work in an environment where it is easy to return to work after taking leave, and many people do great right after returning.

Have you participated in SHIFT kids' summer school?

S.T.:I participate every year! It is nice to commute with my children and change up my view. The school's instructors are members of our company, and they make the most of their respective specialties in their planning. For example, they use game equipment to learn programming. My child also seemed to have fun getting his business card and exchanging it with the other children.

N.H.:I didn't have a chance to use the childcare leave because my child was already big when I joined the company, but I think it is reassuring that there is a "Childcare Anything Desk." They provide you with a lot of useful information about childcare and, in particular, are helpful with things surrounding childcare leave.

What would you like to achieve in the next 5 or 10 years?

S.T.:As a company, I want to create an organization that continues to take on challenges as the number of people increases. To do this, creating an environment where it is okay to fail is essential.

N.H.:We aim to reach 100 billion yen in sales as a company, so just like the company, I would like to continue to grow as a person. Who knows, maybe In 10 years, when my children are grown, I might be able to work with them at SHIFT.

S.M.:I have taken on many challenges in the past, and everyone would help me when I failed. Now I would like to be the one to help people and to continue growing as a person.


We also answered some of the most frequently asked questions we get!

— Does working shorter hours affect team morality?

We mainly communicate online these days, so it’s different from the normal office atmosphere where you sit next to each other and have a good time working together. However, we set up meetings immediately when necessary, and I make sure to pick up on or resolve any problems through morning and evening meetings.

Rather than focusing on people working shorter hours, it’s more about working efficiently regardless of your work hours or style.

— How many mothers are working as PMs?

This is just for the team that S.T. is in charge of, but three of the nine people who used the system are working and doing a great job as PM.

— What is the ratio of those commuting to work at home?

Since our department mainly works with clients in the web industry, 90% of our employees work from home. I come to the office when the testing requires terminal verification, which happens about once or twice a month.

Depending on the industry and project, there are times when we have to come to the office, and the company announces that 60% of our employees work remotely.

— Are there any positions that allow for full remote work?

Yes! However, some industries and positions are very hard to fully remote. We would be happy to discuss specific details in a casual interview.

— Do you have any employees who work overtime, even if they work shorter hours?

No. The system does not allow it, and we do not allow it as a company either. However, there are cases in which employees voluntarily study test design in the evening after finishing housework and childcare. However, this is not compulsory, so please do not feel pressured to do this.

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