How is Share Scoops going to change the world?

How is Share Scoops going to change the world?

How is Share Scoops going to change the world?


Share Scoops is bringing transparency and accountability to the financial world, empowering our generation with the information and education to take control of our future. We're launching a platform to help our community build wealth while influencing corporations to act more responsibly.?

Why do you put so much effort into curating news about the economy and corporations?

A passion for financial literacy built Share Scoops. There are not enough resources that help people understand the broader context of the economy. We're expected to make significant life decisions - buying a home, taking on debt, preparing for retirement - all without almost any context. Many of us struggle to understand why people are losing their jobs, why gas costs so much, why we can't afford a home, or why there's no baby formula. Each financial decision can be a lot easier if we have that context.

With our daily scoops, we're trying to bring the financial world to life and show you that it's not just a bunch of complex numbers that you can only understand if you work on Wall Street. The complexity isn't in the information but its presentation. Share Scoops is about giving you the most minor, most digestible daily bites so that you can start to understand the narrative of the economy. We do the same thing for companies. A stock price is just the quantification of a company's story arc. So if you understand its story, you can understand why its stock price goes up and down. It's the same with the economy and the broader stock market. With more exposure, those numbers start to feel less random.

We need to understand these stories now more than ever. For too long, corporations have avoided responsibility for the impacts of their decisions. They've been allowed to pretend as if we live on a planet of infinite resources, that they bear no responsibility for the wellbeing of their communities or the people who devote their lives to the operation. Corporations have the power to change the direction of our planet and our society more than anyone else.

We're launching our platform soon that will include news and data profiles outlining every corporation's holistic social, economic, and environmental impacts. We're building this for the new generation of investors. We invest our dollars and time in companies we understand and believe in.

What's the point of voting in the scoops?

It's all about having an opinion. We've all been conditioned to think we don't know enough to have an opinion about anything in the financial world. Our political system is incredibly complicated, but everyone has an opinion on it - informed or not. We talk about things you can relate to and feel passionately about, like how corporations affect their workers, their communities, and our planet. We've found voting to be successful at getting people over the conditioned psychological barriers that make you think this finance stuff isn't for you. But this conversation is for you. You deserve to have an opinion about it.

Investing is about having an informed opinion. It's an opinion on the future. As investors, we form a belief that a particular company, industry, or economy will be successful, so we put our money behind it. Our new platform will include more incentives to encourage you to build confidence in your opinion.

But having an opinion is just the beginning. What you do with that opinion is everything. A community of informed, financially literate opinions is a powerful force. We're aggregating these votes to create a feedback loop on Corporate America. We've manually collected more than 200,000 voluntary user votes across more than 200+ companies. Check out the results on our website. Our new platform will digitize this process so our community can influence corporations to act more responsibly.

How do we influence corporations to make better choices?

We engage with them and invite them into the conversation. Corporations need to see that increasing transparency helps them accomplish more and make the changes the planet needs. They own the information and aren't required to report much. When they do communicate, they mostly post a 100-page pdf to their website or use targeted marketing campaigns. Our platform will make it easy for them to share with our community directly, and we already have a full pilot waitlist.

How do you get companies to do something? Show them there's money in it. Companies' most significant challenge is understanding and quantifying the business opportunity in making sustainable choices or treating their workers well. We can show them those metrics with a simple scoop, a poll, and a link. Imagine a company posts a scoop about improving employee benefits, we react to it, and they see, "awesome, 80% of people like this policy. Our People score went up 5% in one day!" They never had that information before. Now, what if they add a link to their hiring page and get 10,000 new job applications from that scoop? That's a measurable business outcome they didn't have before. Then we can tell other companies, "hey, if you give your employees this awesome benefit, you'll fill your open roles." We can replicate that process for product sustainability improvements, plastic reduction targets, or net-zero pledges; you name it. We'll be able to spoon-feed corporations with policies that improve their sustainability and social responsibility while showing them it will improve their business. We can harness the power of our voices and our dollars to influence corporations. That's change the world kind of stuff.

How do we make sure we don't lose track of our mission?

We do it with a dedication to transparency and community feedback on how we make money, how we use the data we collect, and how we engage with corporations.

We believe financial information should be free and accessible, so we've built a revenue model that aligns with our mission. We earn money when we accomplish our goal of helping you take control of your finances, receiving revenue from financial services companies when you choose to sign up with some of our recommended services. We've spent the time to review and curate these resources to help you take that next step, but you don't have to click our links.

We also plan to earn revenue by amplifying and advocating for your opinions. Corporations will pay to be able to communicate to our community and receive your feedback. We will never sell your individual data or let it leave our platform. Instead, corporations will see how the scoop community reacts and the trends of those reactions so that we can influence them together as an aggregate force. Once we have that service built out, we'll post a complete breakdown of the data dashboard they'll receive on our website. Corporations must earn your attention with good work, not sneaky targeted marketing.

The most important part of this will be creating systems to incorporate your feedback. We're integrating components of what makes web3 so exciting into our platform, where you'll earn not only financial value but also governance votes to influence our business decisions. We'll teach you how these blockchain concepts will empower a more democratic capitalism that aligns with our mission. We'll also be raising investment from crowdfunding to bring you along with our growth and listen to your opinions the whole way.

Receiving money from corporations creates a potential risk for a conflict of interest, so we will shift away from primary content creation to a more curation and contextualization role. We'll aim to minimize any risk of influence to retain your trust. Our platform will provide a variety of perspectives on each company profile, pulling together journalist-driven news, third-party data, the corporate communications, and the community's views. We'll be focused on creating a balanced picture to let you make your own informed decisions.

We have to live our mission. We have to be the company we want to see. Share Scoops is a small team, but we're focused on changing the way we think about business by prioritizing impact and proving that doing good can be good business.

What's next?

It will be a big second half of the year for us. We'll start rolling out our platform soon and look forward to your feedback.?

Watch us next week! We're excited to be invited to present on We'll be pitching to thousands of investors our business plan to build a profitable platform that prioritizes impact. We can't wait to change the world.?



