How Seven Can Make You Unstoppable
At the age of 11 I found myself fascinated with the number 7. Not only did it have biblical connotations, it looked like a mystical prime number.
I placed the power of 7 to good use.
The Rule of Seven and How It Can Take You To The Stars
I'm an ENTJ. I like precision and minimal wastage. I discovered that if I had something that needed to be done, I'd count to seven then do it.
As with Samurai and their code, one personal law was never to trespass that rule. At the stroke of seven, I must execute a decision or face my shame.
Seven limited childish things. I found this an excellent trick to limit my use of the Sega Megadrive , watching Voltes V and hovering over test questions eating all my time. I'd tell myself, "By the count of seven, I'm turning off the video"
At the age of 21, shortly after Valentines day, I was waffling on the registration of a business idea. The prospect of flying outside the confines of corporate structure terrified me.
I counted to seven- then began filing the papers. The business exploded to success.
The Rule of Seven worked like the Hammer of God- provided I never cheated on it. Eventually things got so ingrained, I didn't have to countdown because my mind told me I would execute anyway.
Today whether it be running , doing martial arts or tabulating CPC performance for online ads, the rule of seven guides me to minimizes time wastage.
Look at Clint Eastwood above. Do you think this fella with his stellar career dallied away precious moments?
The Rule of Seven is flexible. Seven was my favorite number. Do what I did and choose a number that has personal meaning. Stick to it (just don't choose 1) What's key to make this all work is your sense of honor. Abide by it.
Make things happen.