How to Setup Progress ODBC Driver on Windows and troubleshoot expiring Progress ODBC Driver.

How to Setup Progress ODBC Driver on Windows and troubleshoot expiring Progress ODBC Driver.

In Windows - click the Windows icon on the bottom left corner - type ODBC to search - click the popup matched "Set up ODBC data source (32-bit)" or (64-bit).

To see if any Progress or OpenEdge driver has already existed in the ODBC Data Source Administrator, if not, we need to create, click Add...

Create New Data Source

Type the following (mind the case):?

Data Source Name:?youself_devided_name

Description: youself_devided_description

Host Name: your_Progress_database_server_name

Port Number: your_port_number

Database Name: your_Progress_database_name

User ID: your_Progress_database_user_id

password: your_Progress_database_password

Click "Test Connect" after typing all fields.

Test Connect should return Connection established!

Then we may use this ODBC connection built in the Qlik server to connect to the Progress database in Qlik. Edit Script - Data - Database - Connect - Select.

If the Progress ODBC driver shows an error message stating it will expire in a few days, it means the Progress ODBC driver needs a new serial number to renew. Please contact your local admin to obtain a new serial number to renew.

After the Progress ODBC driver being renewed, we will re-select and re-install the new?Progress ODBC driver. The setup steps are the same as mentioned above.

For example, the expiring Driver name is DataDirect 7.1 OpenEdge Wire Protocol; the renewed Driver name is Progress OpenEdge 12.2 Driver.



