How to Setup Playwright with Visual Studio Code?
Bakkappa N
YouTuber @ Testers Talk | Content Creator | Playwright Cypress Selenium SDET Rest Assured API Postman | Automation Testing | QA Test Lead
Setting up playwright automation tool with visual studio code is very very simple.
5. Click on Install
6. Similarly, install Azure Repos if you are working with azure deveops.
7. Similarly, install GitHub Actions if you are working with GitHub Actions.
8. Similarly, install GitHub Repositories if you are working with GitHub Repositories.
9. Till now visual studio code with playwright is completed, now we need to install playwright using CMD or Terminal.
10. Let's install playwright, open Command prompt or Terminal, then enter "npm init playwright@latest". Refer below video for your reference.
11. Once playwright with VS code setup is completed, now it's a time to run playwright test. Simply we need to click on right arrow icon beside test. it will run automation test.
Reference video -
12. Verify test results: "right" mark will be preset if test is passed otherwise it shows "x" mark
===== Playwright Automation Full Courses =====
-> Playwright Full Course -
-> Playwright API Testing Crash Course -
-> Playwright with Azure DeveOps Pipeline -
-> Playwright with CRM application testing -
===== Playwright GitHub Repositories =====
-> Playwright Full Course -
-> Playwright API Testing Crash Course -
-> Playwright with Azure DeveOps Pipeline -
-> Playwright with CRM application testing -
-> Playwright with JavaScript Framework [UI + API] -
-> Playwright with TypeScript Framework [UI + API]-
Learn more about Playwright:
-> Playwright API Testing Crash Course
-> Playwright with Azure Devops Complete guide
-> Testing Microsoft CRM application using Playwright
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