How To Set Your Facebook Group Admins Up For Success!

How To Set Your Facebook Group Admins Up For Success!


This is actually a followup article to a very popular article (almost 19,000 views and counting) I wrote called "5 Tips for Running a Facebook Group - Successfully". In this article I lay out some ideas to help ensure the success and smooth running of Facebook groups.

One of the commenters on this article asked me to elaborate on a tip where I say to - "Create a Separate Admin Group". Within that tip, I mentioned that I create an admin guidelines document and the commenter specifically asked for a sample of this document.

While these tend to be different for every group, what I wanted to do with this new article is to suggest a 'framework' of sorts, with the sections that my documents usually include, as well as explanations of each. So thanks Hattie for the comment, this article is for you!

Section 1 - Group Goals

In this section I lay out the goals of the group. Basically I state what the group was set up to achieve or solve for. Usually this is also clearly explained in the main group intro blurb but it is worth elaborating on your vision for the group just for your admins, after all they are likely to play an integral part in helping you achieve these goals!

You can use this section to be inspirational, funny, serious, basically whatever tone you think needs to be set to ensure the admins understand what target they should be aiming for. As group founder, remember, it's your job to be the ultimate arbiter of what your group stands for so make it good.

Section 2 - Good Cop

In this section I basically lay out what our responsibilities are for being role models and examples of best behaviour in the group. This is our 'good cop' role and since respect is earned, not demanded, this is a very important point to drive home.

Here is the relevant section from one of my group documents, almost verbatim:

Operationally we all have to do certain things but the single best thing we can do is lead by example IMO. We shouldn't gossip, we should create or curate valuable content, be proactive, keep the content organised and usable, we need to answer questions, encourage discussion and respect - basically live the golden rule.
If we do that as admins, the actual 'hard line' admin work required should be pretty minimal. This is the good cop role we all play and that builds our credibility and respect as admins in the group. It's about building 'respect' so that when we drop the hammer, we have earned the right to do so. A lot of the admin decisions required are judgement calls so it's hard for me to discuss every possible scenario. If you have a question, just ask...

Hopefully that example gets you started off on the right foot!

Section 3 - Bad Cop

In this section I make it clear that if anyone needs to be the bad cop, it's me as group founder. I will be the one to break up the most heated disputes and make the hardest judgement calls when required.

In this section I also lay out what sorts of group roles (formal and informal) I think the other admins would best play, based on their personalities and particular strengths.

I think one of my comments best sums up this section:

Above all, be visible and be proactive...that's what a good admin is. The reality is that like children, the group needs to know they are being monitored. Sometimes that's enough on its own to prevent conflict. I have noted that when I am firm, fair, just and consistent, people respond well to that, even if they are on the receiving end of some of my admin barbs.

Section 4 - Authority

In this section I let the other admins know that I respect their judgement and will never undermine their authority publicly - in other words they act with the exact same authority I do in group discussions.

However, I also let them know that I may disagree with how they have handled a particular situation and will PM them privately if this is the case or openly discuss the situation in the admin group if I feel we can all learn from it.

This pretty well sums up my thoughts here:

We are a united front and should always support each other. Ultimately, if there is an admin deadlock of some sort, or you want clarity on something, it's my job to provide direction and I will do so if it's warranted and required.

Section 5 - Group Admission Guidelines

Here I make it clear what the group vetting criteria is for letting new people into the group. This helps ensure group continuity and harmony.

This section is usually one of the hardest to craft and basically I make it clear that we will all ultimately have to deal with the fallout if anyone unsuitable is admitted to the group so it is important that we all take the vetting process seriously.

If you let people into a group that are disruptive, then this can cause division in the group and can in a worse case scenario cause splinter groups to form and this is rarely a good outcome for anyone. My best advice here is:

Ultimately, you will have to boot any troublemakers, lurkers or misfits and booting is disruptive at the very least so you need to vet hard, no matter how/who is doing it.

Section 6 - Sample Admin Responses

In this final section I provide sample admin responses to specific & general group situations or scenarios. This helps the admins to act consistently in similar situations and if you are adminning very large groups, trust me, this is important and definitely easier said than done.

One example of this is advice on how to close a thread firmly but respectfully if needed:

Simply make a comment around why the thread has reached a conclusion or an impasse (or run its course) and should not be continued. This is effectively an implied threat that you will close a thread if it carries on. Then close your comment with something firm like:
Let's put this to bed guys...

In Closing

Well, hopefully you find these tips useful and maybe they can help your Facebook groups run that little bit more smoothly and happily along the way.

Feel free to post any questions or comments you may have and I'll do my best to help out where I can and good luck with your Facebook Groups!




Amy Tatusko

Mobile Notary Signing Agent

7 年

Thanks for this follow up article. I admin a group, it's 8 months since I started it with over 2000 members. I was getting between 10-30 requests a day to join and suddenly on April 22nd it dropped to zero. I've checked the settings, nothing has changed and fb is no help. Do you have any thoughts on what might have happened? Thanks.


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