How To Set-up An eCommerce Business
Syed Shaheryar Alvi
Social Media Marketer, Photographer, Host, Graphic Designer, Administrator Multitasker
E-Commerce: What we see on its surface are big shots like Amazon, or in the case of Pakistan, Draz and its likes, but what we don't see are the thousands of ordinary people who want to fulfill their e-commerce dreams. Work hard day and night to make their dreams come true.
Making money from e-commerce in Pakistan is the dream of every internet entrepreneur and it is for two good reasons.
First of all, people who have tried know that services sell more products than services. They are easy to sell and the e-commerce model will not take as much effort as the service-oriented model.
Second, in terms of competition, e-commerce is still not as saturated as services.
There can be no doubt that e-commerce is an ideal type of business, in which the real trick of the trade remains the same. Choose something at wholesale price and sell it at retail price. Which retail price? Well, you choose.
As a seller, a long time ago, I had to look for some things online and I found that wholesale is not the same for every seller. Take this fruit pacifier for example, I tried to find it at cheap prices and I found that every wholesaler has their own prices.
It gives you the flexibility you want as a business person, and all you have to do is create a fair percentage of profit and sell this wholesale item at retail price.
The biggest misconception about e-commerce that Pakistani youth face is that it is a cup of tea for a rich man. no! You don't have to keep deep pockets to run a product-based online business.
Without further ad, I will not only show you how Pakistani e-commerce business works but also how you can build an e-commerce business around it by selecting a foreign audience.
E-commerce in Pakistan
Pakistan is still a new entrant in the world of e-commerce and Pakistan's e-commerce economy is far from its doorstep. How do we know? Let's compare Indians with Pakistani e-commerce statistics.
While Pakistan’s total population is 1/5th of India’s total population, the e-commerce stats are not proportionate to this ratio. Back in 2017, total e-commerce sales that Indian online retail stores made were roughly $20.059 billion.
Pakistan and India: two neighboring countries with too many similarities are the most promising entrants in online retail business; due to these similarities a comparison is highly relevant.
In the same year, Pakistan's total e-commerce sales were only $600 million. Now with a 1-5 ratio in mind, it is safe to assume that the real limit of Pakistan's e-commerce market is roughly $4 billion.
Considering that we are entering e-commerce late, the statistics are not so worrying. That being said, it is important to remember that according to the SBP report, Pakistan's e-commerce market has not reached more than 600 in 2017 (2017). That means there's still more than $3 billion on the table and you have to get it all.
Given the pace of the e-commerce economy, it is said that by 2020, the total size of the Pakistani e-commerce market will cross the psychological barrier of $1 billion. SBP reports highlighting the 2017 figures, which show that our total e-commerce transactions (prepaid) in the fiscal year 2017 were 1.2 million and 571 local e-commerce merchants accounted for PPR Of the local prepaid sales, only $9.8 billion were made.
This figure does not include the revenue our merchants have earned from online prepaid online sales. This does not include the revenue that our merchants receive after payment or from the sale of CODs.
Pakistan's largest e-commerce store
Before we talk about the biggest names in Pakistan's e-commerce market, we need to describe the types of e-commerce stores that operate from Facebook to www and sell millions every month.
Here is a list of different types of e-commerce stores.
- Small size multi-retailer: These stores are not as big as medium online stores, leave big marks. They focus on a niche and try to take advantage of it to sell their property. Examples of this are stores like PPK and etc.
- Medium-sized multi-retailer: These stores are not so big as a drawer or a choice, but they have online stores with their own variety of products. These stores are doing their best to make room for the summit, and this category includes stores such as Goto and
- Big Shot Multi Retailer. These are the big shots of the Pakistani e-commerce industry: multiple retailers listing different types of goods. These are stores like Daraz, Yavo, Kaymu, and Symbios etc.
- Facebook Retailer: This is the last type of Pakistani e-commerce store. These retailers have very well-established Facebook stores or groups and the examples are Facebook business pages (shops) like Haniakidsclothing or Lahore Buy & Sell etc.
Now that we are working in the category of online retail businesses in Pakistan, let's take a look at the largest Pakistani retail stores. Many of them follow an Amazon business model where the packaging and shipment of your products will handle them.
In short: if you can't store with your mind, you can start selling with them and the largest online retail store will take care of non-productive tasks.
Here is the list of e-commerce giants.
We will now take a look at the three stores above, discuss them at length, and see how the audience deals with them and how they take advantage of these great platforms in our favor. was founded in 2012 by Rocket Internet, a German-based: Internet incubation and venture capitalist company. Two Pakistani Muneeb Maher and Faris Shah are known to be co-founders of the initiative and the website lists 126+ well-known brands along with the cottage industries.
AUDIENCE - As a multi-retailer store, Draz lists a wide variety of products. However, their main focus is on men's, women's and children's clothing and fashion. You can tell by the number of listings and the number of purchases, as well as by the reviews. Thus, their audience is mostly young men and women.
Growth - from 2012 when Draz took advantage of nominal competition. And now, Draz has made millions to billions of PKR in its monthly sales. For the record only, for the last big Friday, Draz raised PKR 3 billion in a single day.
Business model Daraz allows small retail stores and sellers to list their items in their store and it matures up to the sale of this listing for free. Once the goods are full, the drawer takes care of the delivery. Also, they offer a complementary model similar to Amazon. Keep your inventory in the drawer warehouse and take care of the drawer packaging and shipping. is one of the most popular and fastest-growing e-commerce stores in Pakistan. Yayvo e-Com is an independent company affiliated with the giant TCS courier. This is a huge benefit to Yahoo because its delivery is handled by TCS. Like any other large e-commerce store, they have multiple categories.
AUDIENCE - 70% of online customers are young men, according to statistics released earlier by Chemo. This means that the chemo audience is also mostly young.
In an interview with Dawn, back in 2017, the CEO of Yayvo mentioned that the company completed its 2015 to 2016 revenue target in just 4 months. More than a year later, this growth rate has definitely increased.
Business model Like any retailer, their list includes many different types of products. They sell everything from electronics to gadgets and from clothing to household items. However, unlike the drawers, they are for individual sellers. Not too open.
They allow most brands, manufacturers and distributors to sell products on their portals, although there are always exceptions.
Shophive, as most people may not know, is actually one of the oldest online retailers in Pakistan. Although it has lost ground to retail outlets that later joined the e-commerce industry, it still receives 483,330+ visitors a month. Although Shophive is a multi-retailer, its main focus is on high-end gadgets, cell phones, tablets and laptops.
Audience - Gadget whose young men and women are the main audience of this store. The store has been a gadget and electronics store since its inception, and although this limits their appeal, it makes them look even more authentic in the gadget and electronics niche.
Growth - Their growth has been significant from the beginning, but because they never seriously took their operations to other categories, they had to give up their status to new websites like Daraz and Yahoo.
Business model- Their business model is similar to Yayvo and they mostly allow sellers who are a local or international brand. They do not offer any shipping or completion services that the other two websites offer. Also, their model does not conform to multiple listings, which is why they are no longer the No. 1 e-commerce site in Pakistan.
How to set up your own e-commerce store in Pakistan?
Hard to say easy. We all know that products sell better than services, but only a few of us talk about headaches which is a product-based business.
In terms of services, you only have to deal with your customer, and if you are reselling services, you also have to deal with lower fiber ninja.
However, in the case of e-commerce, you have to deal with the customer, you have to deal with the wholesaler, you have to deal with your e-commerce courier service provider and yes, you have to keep track if you maintain inventory. ? Also, with your local post office.
There are two e-commerce models for you to try your hand at. Each of them has its own merits and demerits and in the end, it all boils down to how hard you work in your business.
Niche selection
Assuming you are not filthy rich enough to go crazy with multiple retailer websites like Daraz, the only option you have is to start an e-commerce business on Facebook or a small www store.
If you do not have a small team to take care of different types of products, the choice of location is very important. So how do you find your niche?
Here are some tips to help you find niches and products from the local market:
Find a product near you - I remember an African woman who sells soap on Amazon and her business is doing really well because what she did was a smart business thing.
Her country was rich in some kind of herb which is used in herbal soaps. Due to its abundance, this particular herb was available at very cheap rates, while in the Western world the price of this herb was quite high. All he had to do was make soap based on this herb, thus reducing her production costs and making a really good recurring income from this business.
Try to find some raw materials around you to make good products from, or just find products at wholesale prices and sell them at retail prices. You have a special demand for things that you can get on your own and that too at a cheap, wholesale price.
Get these items at wholesale prices and sell them at retail rates in areas where these products are hard to find or extremely expensive.
In Multan, for example, Mehran Fida, a budding entrepreneur, turned his native farms into a company called Multan Farms and soon after was earning Rs. 500 to 100,000 per week
product? Multani Sohan Halwa and Multani 'Mithi' (mud)! Watch? If one can sell something like mud and make a good amount of money from it, you can also find a product that belongs to your local area and can sell it to people all over Pakistan.
Sell a solution to a problem - you have a lot of problems around you. You have to find a problem that is connected to the market and then find a solution and take advantage of it.
For example, you may have noticed that beards are different from hairy heads. They get along very easily and bearded colleagues take care of them. The idea is beard wax! Make it and sell it, or buy it, then market it and sell it.
You may be surprised, but beard wax and beard care products are a big business industry. Well, it's small in size, but it's big because it's not saturated and there's a lot of talk about it.
All you have to do is find the problem around you, create a product or find one that offers an intelligent solution to the problem and the money will flow. The solution to the business problem is indeed very efficient and one of the oldest out there.
Find Trends - There are many different ways to find trends. You can find a trend on the internet or you can communicate with any of your thinking process as well as other people.
Here is an example. If you go to Pakistani buying and selling groups on Facebook, you will see that there is not much activity, but most of the youth are in product groups.
It is a great place with an ever-increasing number of mothers with premature mothers and newborns and young children who need clothing, shoes, toys and baby care equipment. The trend of buying moms from online stores is already high and will continue to be so in Pakistan.
However, if you want to try some unconventional ways to find trends, social media can help you. Check out Facebook and / or Twitter trends for Pakistan and position yourself according to those trends. These trends can also be very helpful in marketing. The same is true of Google Trends.
Value Added Products - If you don't know what a value-added product is, let me put it this way. Strawberries are an agricultural product and as a product, they are sold fresh. When you add value to this product and get jammed with it, it becomes a 'value-added product'.
This type of e-commerce business requires special skills. Not only do you need to identify a product in the market that can be offered with additional value-added benefits to the customer, but to do so you need space, employees (depending on the scale) and equipment Is also needed.
An example of such an e-commerce business is salt lamps and decorative pieces. People in Western countries, where asthma is a big problem due to cold, are very interested in salt and its products. A salt lamp is a value-added solution that not only provides them with a lighter environment but also purifies the air and thus helps them with asthma and other similar ailments.
However, market research is always good before moving on to something. You have to see if you can get the items at wholesale prices or you have to get the raw products and make the value-added items yourself.
You also need to arrange for wholesale. That is, you have to sell your goods at 2x the actual or production price to meet the needs of marketing, equipment, space and employees, etc.
How to identify demand - The most important thing is whether there is a demand for something. Assuming your target audience is people in the big cities of Punjab, you have to check the trends.
This will take us back to the trends section that we've covered, but just to show you how Google Trends can help you find interest in the people of Faisalabad. Here is a snapshot of the results of the election of Pakistan. Scroll down to 'Faisalabad' and related topics and related questions.
Now, I saw keywords for Titanic hotel and resort Faisalabad; thus I know that if I have to offer some value-added (or other) product to the audience in Faisalabad, ideally it should be a food item.
Also, you can try using the keyword planner on Google AdWords, enter your city e.g. Faisalabad and see the most frequently Googled keywords.
These ideas will not help you become rich overnight. All you can do with them is find the boundaries of your target audience. Similarly, if you try Facebook or other social media 'search options with your target city, you may find some ideas.
For example, Facebook Search lets you search for posts. So if I search Faisalabad and then go to the posts section, I will find some posts on Faisalabad buying and selling groups there. They will also show products from the city that they are interested in.
Go Flow - Even after all these thoughts if you are still confused, and whenever there is more than one idea on the table you may get confused, what you can do is flowing. What is the flow in this case? Give me a chance to explain.
Flow is the majority of people doing business that you are willing to do. Since the type of business is e-commerce, you should follow Twitter and make friends with Facebook and LinkedIn who are already involved in e-commerce and doing good work.
Chances are, if you're not anti-social, you're already a member of a large social community that includes people involved in e-commerce, but if you're not, start following and making friends. He told people what they do and how. Follow in their footsteps, and if needed, find one of their advisors.
It will help you become successful eCommerce entrepreneurs and you will soon be working with the same tools, ideas and hacks that they have tried and lived. Doing the work of others will take you to odd positions with stifling competition, but the hexes and methods they use will help you beat the competition and take it to the top.
Setting Up Your First Online Store
Setting up your first e-commerce store for a Pakistani audience is a big deal.
Because your audience and perspective are local, WordPress is the best content management system. About 25% of websites are based on WordPress and have the largest group of developers. Ordinary users are always happy to help you with any problem.
A Facebook page is also important if you have your own website. However, if you want to start small, you can postpone the website and go with the first Facebook page.
Let's take a look at them one by one and see how you can set up your first eCommerce store.
WordPress - WordPress, as awesome as it is, is still free. All you have to do is buy a domain and then buy hosting, and almost all hosting sites allow you to install WordPress for free.
Domain Choice - When you choose a domain, you need to consider the trends regarding eCommerce store names. Most of them have a word like Draz, Yayvo. A simple business name is easy to remember.
This is not the biggest concern when looking for a domain name. The biggest concern is TLD. Since you are focusing on the Pakistani market, it is better to go to or preferably. pk TLD.
Choosing a Hosting Service - I'm not going to talk about company names here because companies like HostGator or Bluehost are already well-known for being a good Google hosting site.
The biggest concern here is the hosting you need. Less shared hosting for cloud hosting There are many types of hosting plans based on the technical specifications for VPS dedicated hosting such as CPU courses, SSD storage, RAM, and bandwidth.
When we talk about the technical challenges that e-commerce websites face, the first and biggest challenge is traffic and the second biggest challenge is where you have to upload from time to time. ?
With a decent and relatively new e-commerce site having daily traffic of around +5000 visitors, it's safe to say that you shouldn't go for anything less than cloud hosting. Also, it depends on whether your cloud is compatible with other websites or whether it is dedicated to your website.
Themes - Unless you want to pay big money to some coding company to get a goal-setting theme, you should buy a $50+ theme from any theme store. E-commerce topics are different from other approaches because of their style and WooCommerce integration.
Shopkeepers, Flatsome and Incode are some of the topics that have earned the respect of e-commerce business people and have sold thousands of copies of these themes. The Market for Theme Forrest Themes is one of the best markets and once you buy from them, you get unlimited basic theme updates and 6 months help.
Pros and cons of WordPress
Open Source - WordPress is open source which means you can freely change the code at your convenience.
Free - As mentioned earlier, almost all hosting companies allow you to download WordPress for free.
Ease of use - WordPress is a one-of-a-kind content management system because it's easy to use. Even the first-timer can run normal day-to-day tasks.
Community Support - WordPress being
the largest CMS has the largest community on the Internet. This community consists of strict coders as well as experienced users. This means that whatever your problem is, you will get help at any time.
Security vulnerabilities - WordPress is not as secure as ASP.Net, and as a result, it is vulnerable to hacking attacks.
Limitations of e-commerce. In addition to WooCommerce, there are very limited applications of eCommerce plugins available on WordPress.
This plugin is what makes eCommerce possible on WordPress. This is a free and open source plugin that you can integrate with your WordPress theme and sell items online. While this essential plugin comes with a lot of features that help you sort your listing, shipment options and others, the biggest focus is on the payment options they offer.
With WooCommerce integrated with your theme, you can accept cash payments on major credit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers as well as on-delivery. With so many options for merchants in a country where PayPal, Amazon, and eBay still feel like a dream, it's just a matter of worrying about integration. There are many YouTube tutorials that teach you how to easily integrate WooCommerce with your WordPress theme.
While WooCommerce is absolutely free and open-source, a lot of people choose Shopify as their e-commerce solution and the good news is that it is just as easy to integrate with WordPress as WooCommerce is.
The best thing about Shopify is that it comes with a lot of options that are limited to Shopify software. For example, Shopify comes with its own set of tools for managing its payment solution, POS, allowing you to choose, order and use products from amazing apps like Oberlo. Allows tracking with its unique tracking system.
As you can see, it is not comparable to WooCommerce and because it offers a lot of options, it is a paid software. Like WooCommerce, it can also be integrated with WordPress.
Facebook's business page is not only free, but also a very popular online business place to start. It's not a website, but it can earn you as much as a website can. This is because Facebook takes care of everything and customizes a business page as much as a website.
Here is a step-by-step process for setting up a Facebook page based e-commerce business.
Niche Research - As mentioned above, the first step is to find the niche. You can find the products that you can sell or the niche that suits you by following the steps described in this guide.
Set Page - Take your time, set up a page, learn how to adapt a Facebook page that looks like a website, and don't forget to choose the type that will get you the Shop tab. For example, the 'eCommerce Website' category gives you access to the Shop tab.
Find Drop Shipping Networks - If you remember my guide to making money from CPA, you'll remember that finding a good network was not only difficult but also the most rewarding task.
Same is the case with drop-shipping; some companies offer peanuts to their affiliates, while others have a very limited listing. However, Doba, Salehoo and Sunrise Wholesale are a few reputable companies for starters.
Developing a Customer Base – This is where your little bank balance comes in handy.
You need to create a list of 100 followers and then increase it to 1000 and you don't stop until 1000 adds two more zeros and becomes 100,000. This cannot be achieved unless you pay for your page's ad to be consistently displayed to people who are interested in the type of product you sell.
Remember: these 100,000 will not be all your users. You'll find most likes, shares, and messages, but only a few of them will sell. Also, like and loyal visitors are actually getting sales when you don't have the money to pay for advertising, or because you want to look like a legitimate online business.
Product Ad or Boosted Post - OK, let's look at the virtues. Suppose you like a product on AliExpress or at any dropshipping site. All you need to do is choose the item, get images from all angles (easily available on the same website or on the Internet), either post a product or run an ad.
With the help of Facebook Ads Manager, you can use it as a way to promote any product and capture more users. You can use these laser targeting options in detail to pinpoint exactly which populations you want to target and thus save money.
All you have to do is choose a product on the wholesale / drop shipping shipping network, try to talk to the seller if they offer a discount on a certain number of sales, this product via Facebook Ad Manager Promote from and orders will start soon rolling in.
Once you start receiving orders, just log in to your account on this dropshipping site, place the order and instead of giving them your address, give them the address of your customer. All done!
You will pay the wholesale network only a nominal wholesale price and you will take the retail price of the item from the house that you have received from your customers.
Pro Tip: If you are selling consumer goods and they are also very trendy. Some Halloween pranks, trendy garbs, cell phone accessories, perfumes and the similar items, it's always a good idea to pay the photographer to get the original thing and take a high-quality photo.
Images change more than words and video changes more than images. Create an original item video for users who will be in your inbox to request a video. And finally, with these photos, you can run an ad campaign on Instagram and get better results.
How to set up an e-commerce store with an international audience?
Before we go back to the topics like marketing and e-commerce logistics in Pakistan, let us briefly discuss how to expand our reach and target the rich customers in Western countries.
The best way to do this is through drop shipping. Since I haven't explained how you will sell items on your WordPress eCommerce site or Facebook page, it's important to discuss them here.
There are two ways to run an e-commerce store:
1. With inventory
2. By drop shipping
While we all know that keeping inventory not only requires a lot of money but also space like. A warehouse, dropshipping method is a foolproof method. In this method, the retailer only orders a product when it has already sold it to the customer.
This model is also called the pre-order or drop-shipping model. You do not maintain inventory, but provide your customer's address to the dropshipping site and the item reaches the customer directly. This is a risk-free model because no investment (except for marketing and other costs) and space is required.
Assuming you've done market research and chosen between the Facebook business model and WordPress, here are the steps you need to take next.
Find dropshipping networks
If you remember my guide to making money from CPA, you will remember that finding a good network was not only difficult but also the most rewarding task.
The same is true of drop shipping. Some companies offer peanuts to their affiliates, while others have a very limited list. However, Doba, Salho and Sunrise are some of the leading companies for wholesalers.
Shopify Store
Let's talk about Shopify first.
Shopify has linked itself to drop shipping: so much so that now when people think of drop shipping, most people think of Shopify. It is also an online software and deals with any issue that bothers the online retailer.
Unless you want to get started with WordPress, Shopify is a great place to start. Shopify's biggest plus point is Oberlo. It lets you select items directly from Ali Express and sell them to your customers.
Facebook page
Facebook page is another option to go with international users. As discussed above, laser targeting is very important and when you choose a product from a dropshipping site like Doba or Ali Express, you need to market a health laser targeting product. Have to do and consumers have to suffer. The desire to shop that makes them very interested.
However, keep in mind that you can't sell a single one to an international audience, even:
- You worked smarter and found a wholesaler who could provide you with the items you need at lower prices and faster delivery.
- Researching your keywords will bring the right kind of traffic to your store.
- You used high-quality images, even 360 images, and videos to increase your sales.
- You use retargeting techniques to target visitors who come to the store and like something but leave without buying.
Note - Lower rates are needed because you can't make that much money unless you sell something at 2x the price, and if the wholesale price is already high, the wholesale price is 2x the price to consumers. It will be difficult to find.
Also, fast delivery time is recommended. In fact, choose wholesalers who offer fast delivery times, even if they pay for it. This is because free shipping is not only impossible to track, but also takes a lifetime to reach the seller.
Marketing is the one skill that you should invest your time and money in to learn and if you do so, you can rock your niche and steamroll your competitors.
Here are some social media channels that help you market your products and make a really amazing return on income. Have a look and learn how to use them:
Yes! The big and blue ‘F’ takes the lion’s share when it comes to social media marketing and results. So much so, that now every offline business deems it necessary to have a Facebook page.
Since I have already discussed the points on the Facebook page above and I have also covered marketing, I will skip this section and move on to the next section with supportive hints.
Pro Tip - Once you're in the Facebook Ads Manager, once you've dealt with traffic and other details, choose the type of ad and attach the media, go for a carousel instead of an image ad. As we all know, Facebook limits the number of words you can use in an ad. Image allows you to select a tagline for a single image, and if you go for a carousel, you can place multiple taglines to reach your target audience.
Instagram is quickly becoming the most important social networking channel. Its unique style does not leave itself behind. Unlike sharing posts or writing tweets, you only share snaps on Instagram.
As personal as this channel may seem, it is still used for business and people are getting nothing but a CPA network and an Instagram account.
In this section, we'll look at how you can use Instagram to attract and sell more mom traffic to your eCommerce store.
Audience - The kind of audience you will find on Instagram is not the words that go through the words that impress the audience on Facebook, but one that leans on pictures. Make sure your Instagram ads feature DSLR quality images of the products you're willing to sell.
Approach - First let them know you are a business. Turn your profile into a business profile and this will allow you to link your Facebook page to your profile. Remember that you can have up to five accounts on Instagram in addition to your original one. Use any of these as your business profile.
With Facebook Ad Manager, you can also promote Instagram posts. Choose 'Conversions' for eCommerce sales and take the time to understand how Facebook / Instagram Ads Manager works.
Twitter came up with a unique social model and soon it was on everyone's cell phones.
While you may understand that all Twitter is good for Pakistani famous scandal tweets, there are also people who promote tweets and earn frequent income from e-commerce business. Let's see what kind of audience you expect and how to approach them.
Audience - The audience on Twitter is either not interested in business or has some serious business to do. Businesses of all kinds keep their Twitter accounts engaged to keep as many visitors as possible and, later, turn them into users. Considering how Pakistani cell phones and social media like to keep all the old social media apps on their cell phones, this app is essential for promoting your products.
Approach - The first rule of engaging the target audience is to create tweets that discuss the products, issues, and holidays that interest them. Make sure you have your tweets ready before every tweet like Eid, Black Friday and other such occasions. Once completed, create tweets a few days before the holiday and promote those tweets. Once you choose to promote a tweet, you can easily find settings like location, budget, and other options.
Yes, the wheels on which our products are coming and reaching our customers and coming back with cold hard cash! In Pakistan, we have some well-known supply options like TCS, Leopard, and M&P.
Logistics is the backbone of e-commerce development companies. It is up to them to send their goods to their customers and receive their money. About 80% of Pakistani online users prefer cash delivery as the culture of trust in e-commerce outlets will take some time to spread in the country.
Now let's take a look at the three major delivery and COD companies I have chosen for this guide.
TCS is one of the largest courier companies in Pakistan and is a proud owner of Yavy. When it comes to TCS, consumer feedback can be called a "mixed bag of everything."
Although people prefer TCS because of their reputation and faster delivery, there are those who complain about missed deliveries and late payments.
Since I have chosen TCS as a courier service for my COD operations, I know that what I tasted was bad blood. Due to the difficulty in transferring their data, the payments were not released on time and this gave a bad impression.
However, where they are good is low cost and faster delivery. Their remuneration is competitive and they assign you a dedicated area manager to take care of all your worries.
When you contract with an e-commerce store, you are required to submit a CNIC copy from TCS, a company containing a PKR100 stamp paper, a written request on the company's letterhead Files and the application must be stamped with your company's stamp.
What is COD?
COD is short for cash on delivery. This is a payment method that allows the customers to pay for purchase only when they get the purchased item. Since 80% of customers in Pakistan prefer COD, there is no way for the e-commerce companies to ignore this method.
For the collection of cash, they have to trust the courier services. Almost all different courier services pay e-commerce companies on a weekly basis. So all the cash they collect on behalf of you is automatically transferred to your bank account on a weekly basis.
To sum up the things, I would request you to stay focused and choose whether you would like to go with the local audience or an international one. Since Pakistan is not even close to its e-commerce revenue threshold, I must say that there is a lot of space to cover.
Although the international market is big and deals in dollars, it is saturated as well. Especially in the case where you target the USA, you will have to fight tooth and nail.
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