How to Set up the Basics for Omni Studio Document Generation in Revenue Cloud??

How to Set up the Basics for Omni Studio Document Generation in Revenue Cloud?

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If your business uses Revenue Cloud, you might need to create documents fast. OmniStudio helps, but you need to set it up first. Follow these steps to get started.

Step 1: Install OmniStudio

First, install the OmniStudio package in Salesforce. Search for OmniStudio or Salesforce Industry Package and follow the setup steps. If an update is needed, contact Salesforce support.

Step 2: Assign User Permissions

To let users create and generate documents, give them the right permissions. Go to Setup, search for Users, and assign these permissions:

  • DocGen Designer – Creates and edits document templates.
  • DocGen User – Generates documents.

Step 3: Set Up Document Template Library

Document templates are stored in a Document Template Library, which you need to set up in Salesforce Classic:

  1. Switch to Salesforce Classic.
  2. Click the + button in the menu and select Libraries.
  3. Create or find the DocGen Document Template Library.
  4. Share it with the right users.

Step 4: Configure Document Generation Settings

Go to Setup, search for Document Generation Settings, and enter the required details. This allows document generation for your company.

Step 5: Create Data Mappers

Data mappers help bring in and format data for document templates. There are two types:

  • Extract Data Mapper – Pulls data from Salesforce.
  • Transform Data Mapper – Formats data for document templates.

For the Transform Data Mapper, choose Document Template as the output. This makes sure the data is placed correctly in the template.

Step 6: Design Document Templates

  1. Open App Launcher and search for Document Template Designer.
  2. Click New to create a template.
  3. Select the extract and transform data mappers you created earlier.
  4. Follow any extra setup steps shown in Salesforce.

Step 7: Set Up Integration Procedures

Integration procedures help automate document creation. To create one:

  1. Go to Setup, search for OmniStudio Integration Procedures, and click New.
  2. Add a Remote Action to connect with the Apex class for document generation.
  3. Enter the required parameters for the Apex method.
  4. Activate the integration procedure.

Step 8: Generate Documents

Once set up, you can create documents using:

  • Buttons
  • Flows
  • Automation

The system will generate a document based on your selected template and format (Word, PDF, etc.).

Final Thoughts

By following these steps, you can set up OmniStudio document generation in Revenue Cloud without problems.

“When set up correctly, OmniStudio makes document generation simple, reduces manual work, and improves accuracy.” – Connor Sandstrom, SOLVD Consultant

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