How to set Bounce rate metric in GA 4
Ielyzaveta Bolonna
Web analyst, UX Researcher with passion to profession, SQL, Power BI, Data Studio, GA4
How to use #bouncerate metrics in #ga4?
Sure, #ga4 is not perfect product and Google have to develop their product. The meaning of Bounce rate is re-thought in GA4. Now this metric is counted when:
- session duration less than 10 seconds
- number pages per sessions are not less than 2 pages
- session without conversions
BR is inversely proportional Engagement rate. It's like - BR for pessimists ??, ER for optimists ??.
Let's see how we can add BR to the GA4 metrics set.
1. Open your GA and click to the tab Page and screens
2. Click to pencil in the top right corner
Thus, you can see the list with metrics, dimensions and filters. Here you need to click to the metrics.
Scroll down to the end of the list, choose Bounce rate metric and click to the Save button.
Now, you can operate Bounce rate on your reports and check all bottleneck on your site.