How a Semantic Search Platform Can Help Enterprises Today
The most significant problem that businesses encounter when employing a keyword-based search tool is that unstructured data makes up the majority of their data. Businesses around the world are unsure how to handle unstructured data, which is largely due to the fact that unstructured data is difficult to interpret for a keyword-based search tool.
Organizations can't afford to lose out on exploiting data to generate vital insights that drive business success in today's highly competitive times. In such a circumstance, semantic search tools like 3RDi Search, Coveo and Algolia, are the solution that businesses require today, and investing in an enterprise search tool with semantic capabilities is a good move.
Making a Difference with Semantic Search
Semantic means 'meaningful,' and semantic search is all about retrieving results that are meaningfully related to the user's query. To put it another way, semantics is more concerned with the context of the query than with the words and phrases targeted by traditional keyword-based search. To put it another way, a semantic search platform is built to recognise the user's purpose behind the query, and it is this principle that allows semantic search to return considerably more relevant search results.
As a result, when a user types a query into the platform, the platform returns results that include not only the precise words but also synonyms and related phrases. The most significant advantage of semantic search is that it broadens the area of search and makes it easier to "pull out" information from unstructured data, which is nearly impossible to do with keyword search.
Natural language processing (NLP), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning are essential driving ideas of a new age semantic search platform. The concept is to "teach" machines to understand human languages in order to better man-machine interactions.
How Semantic Search Tools can Help
A semantic search platform uses cognitive traits to derive meaning from the query, revolutionising the search strategy by producing more accurate and highly relevant search results. Some of the ways your company can profit from a semantic search platform are listed below:
Informed Business Decisions
Today's businesses must use data to gain critical insights. The information contained in the insurmountable volumes of unstructured organisational data can be beneficial in making strategic decisions that drive business growth. Enterprises can use a semantic search engine to make strategic decisions. It combines data from a variety of sources to produce useful insights for the company.
Faster Way to Get Relevant Results
This is critical for businesses since they deal with unstructured and unorganised data, which can profit greatly from this search method. When you have data from a variety of sources, such as email, social media, documents, pdfs, and even photos, a keyword search can be ineffective. Because semantic search matches concepts rather than keywords/phrases, it's easier to cut through the clutter (irrelevant results) and find the most relevant results in the shortest period of time.
Good User Experience
A semantic search platform improves the user experience by utilising Artificial Intelligence (AI) to comprehend the user's intent and retrieving results that are conceptually relevant to the user's query. As most enterprise data is unstructured, the user has access to results and information that a keyword-based search would have missed. Semantic search technologies also have integrated vocabularies for many areas, allowing for a speedier search procedure.
Although semantic search is improving, there is still a long way to go. Machines can now determine user intent based on a few random pieces of data such as location, search pattern, and behaviour. However, we look forward to the day when advanced semantics-powered machines can understand us as well as our friends and family! As a result, organisations that believe in the potential of semantics will only have more opportunities in the future.