How to Sell Your Product in 7 Simple Steps Without The Hassle!
This should not be you!!

How to Sell Your Product in 7 Simple Steps Without The Hassle!

Picture the scene! You've decided to become the next best selling author on Amazon.

You sit down for months, maybe even years, putting blood, sweat and tears into this piece of literary artwork.

Then finally completed, you get a publisher or even self publish.

Before you know it, the doorbell rings, and you get your first copy delivered to your home.

Elated you order 1000 extra copies from the printer at much expense.

You organise the book launching of the book at even more expense.

All your friends and colleagues show up to give you moral support.

But guess what? You only sell 30 copies!

Now you have 970 books filling up your spare room or garage gathering dust.

Feeling defeated and flat, you try the odd strategy to get some sold; you even give some away for free because you heard some guru say, 'you don't sell your books. They're only there for a marketing purpose.

If all this sounds familiar, check us out at Intuitive Consulting and ask about our 7 Step Program Unsold to Sold.

We look forward to helping you sell your product! Whatever it is!

This article is written David Lyons - contact today on 0418 289 399.


