How To Sell Video Without Being Salesy
Paul Xavier
Co-Founder of, &!
"I hate being 'salesy'."
"My work will sell itself."
“I’m a creator, not a salesperson.”
A lot of really talented filmmakers say things like this to me all the time…
My response?
You need to be both.
You're a creative. And in order to be a profitable creative, you need to know how to share your value with the world.
A negative sales mindset is responsible for more abandoned passions and deflated dreams than any other challenge video creators face on a daily basis.
I get it though... your passion for filmmaking is really about being creative.
In many ways you’re an artist.
But even artists need to make a consistent living.
At Next Level Creators, I teach a fundamental skill called... “Earn the Deal”.
Today I would like to share a lesson on "Earning the Deal" with you… FOR FREE!
In this video you will learn:
- Why tonality is so crucial in your client conversations
- How to be present and in control of your client meetings
- Why offering valuable conversations will change the way you sell
The Next Level Creators program was created to help filmmakers and video experts learn the skills and systems necessary to make their passion profitable.
If you enjoyed this free lesson from Next Level Creators, book a strategy session with us today!
Let’s see if we’re the right fit to help you Earn The Deal with your next client!
Seize the day,
- Paul Xavier