How To Sell Properties In Tough Times

The biggest question to all real estate agents and sellers of the house: how do you sell one of the most expensive products in the world in a very undetermined economy? The answer is that there is no one answer.

Property is one the most difficult thing to sell due to one of the below reasons:

  1. The financial incapability of the buyer.
  2. The bank's sound reasoning to reject any buyer it deems unfit.
  3. The astounding high price of every unit attempted to be sold.
  4. The limited number of people wanting to buy property.
  5. The kind of people that are susceptible to buy property are hard to come by.

The above are actually the questions and doubts OF THE AGENT and not much so from the buyer's point of view. The real question that very little agents ask themselves is what are they doing wrong?

Attitude and Mindset

Before delve into the tips and tricks of selling property, we have first to look into the mind of the seller. Selling property can be a daunting task but very rewarding but ONLY IF DONE RIGHT. Most of the time, say during roadshows or in the galleries, the agents do not even have the right mindset. Do any of these sound or look familiar?

  • Not approaching about 90% of the potential customers walking past them with a pre-judgmental mindset that the potential buyer, "can't afford it."
  • Instead of calling their potential buyers, they revert to social media marketing and find potential buyers from there instead of looking for people literally walking past them.
  • DO NOT CALL the contacts of those who actually signed up to follow up because they believed in, "if the buyer is really interested, they will call".

These are the general shared traits of an agent who does not have the right mindset or motivation to approach and sell the units at hand and rely on super rich inbounds.

Approach and Techniques To Selling

This would depend on two different client approach. The first would be for the agent's approach to the buyers and the second would be for walk-ins. For approaching random people in roadshows, it is all about presentation.

How you present yourself and your units is important but the most crucial step is the first step forward and just immediately ask the potential buyer about buying a unit. Fear or not, every agent must take that step forward or none of this will be of help. Fix it into your mind, "every person walking past me is a potential and capable buyer no matter how they look and dress like."

For walk-ins into the gallery, the above is still lackluster but must still be implemented. After approach, you must be able to SELL A STORY AND SELL A DREAM! Its one thing for you to look and appear presentable but what you are presenting is still the key figurehead to a successful sale. Remember, your job isn't to get the units sold (that's for the banks to decide) but it's to make sure that there are people interested into buying and that all falls on how well you educate the customer.

Show them that many things are possible even if their income isn't 5-figures, educate them on property investment and not just buying a house for the sake of buying a house but all of this takes initiative from you.

Sales Ninja Public Training Program For Properties

Sales Ninja has successfully trained hundreds of property agents and companies to sell even the most premium of units. Roadshows and galleries galore, Sales Ninja has done it the results speak for themselves. Click HERE to check out our Public Program but more importantly, click HERE to reserve your seat for our next public training program specifically on how to sell property!


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