How to Sell Any Business: Start at the Beginning
Jay Carter
Pre-Transaction M&A and Capital Raising Consultant | Business Valuation | Exit Planning | Strategic Planning | Enhanced Valuation & Marketability | Reduced Risks for Successful Sale or Capital Raise
The Issue
When I entered the investment banking industry over 25 years ago, I was both surprised and dismayed to learn that of all of sale and capital-raising transactions that are taken to market, more than 50% end in failure.? That’s not a typo!
More than half of transactions in which business owners attempt to sell or raise capital for their business are not successful. These are pitifully low odds and is especially painful for owners who spend decades building a business.? ??
The Revelation
I knew that there must be a way to increase the odds in favor of the business owner and I researched the topic extensively.? Finally, after hundreds of interviews with industry pros and business owners, I discovered the secret.? I found that the most successful transactions for business sales and capital raises followed the same basic process.
?The most successful transactions follow these simple 4 steps:
1.????? Assessment
2.????? Improvement
3.????? Promotion
4.????? Closing
?That’s it!? Follow the process and you increase the value, salability and certainty of closing.?
But There’s a Problem
Most owners don’t follow these 4 steps!? As a result, they have a much higher failure rate than those who do.? Most owners follow a process that looks like this:
3.????? Promotion
4.????? Closing
Most business owners, without even realizing they are doing it, skip right over Steps 1 and 2 and begin the process mid-stream, with Step 3.?
Problem Solved!
Success in any business sale or capital raise is greatly enhanced simply by starting at the beginning and completing each of the 4 steps.???
For more information on this topic, please contact Jay Carter, CEO, MarketView.?? MarketView specializes in providing objective Step 1 Assessment services on a turnkey basis.? We use a proprietary process to complete all components of Step 1 of a sale or capital raising process in about 45 days, culminating in the MarketView Blueprint.? The MarketView Blueprint is like a CT Scan of your business, an? environmental site assessment of your industry, and a GPS instrument to lead you to your ideal outcome.? It is the foundation for a successful sale or capital raise.
Please use the link below to schedule a confidential conversation with Jay Carter.?
Jay Carter
CEO, MarketView