How to Self-Understand and Grow By Accepting Your Thoughts and Their Flow
Mohsin Hassan
I like to mystify and amaze To make my words, sound more like a phrase..
Let's start with negative thoughts.
But before we talk about negative opinions let's discuss why they are even negative or positive.
We are all connected. People have a great impact on each other's lives. But here it depends upon how close you are to that person. And it gets complicated when it comes to family; in the end, it’s all about how you choose to deal with it.
Some underestimate you while few appreciate you. There is a lot more to this. Everyone thinks differently. We can't change the world but we can change ourselves. Everyone knows that since it's more than a responsibility.
Bringing Change To Oneself
Ok now let's start with changing our own self (this line is undoubtedly said by thousands of scholars.)
Organize what matters and what does not. Be selfish for an hour or two. Sometimes positive thinking itself leads to negative self-talk.
Do not suppress, stand in front of the mirror and simply express. Positive thinkers are optimists and negative thinkers are pessimists. But where are the realists?
Staying Neutral and Natural
Our thoughts bring change to the way we perceive reality. We are the designers of our own realities {It's pretty obvious.}
I was watching a TV show once and the antagonist said something amazing.
Here is what it was:
“Human beings are the only animals that form ideas about their world.
We perceive it not through our bodies but through our minds.
We must agree on what is real.
Because of this, we are the only animal on earth that goes mad.” [From Legion season 2]
Well, it's true but apart from that; it always comes down to what it means to be sane or insane. So what are you? Are you truly sane?
It's Not Always About Threading the Needle, Sometimes It's about solving the riddle
In the very end it's all about understanding yourself and the world you are living in (I’m pretty sure everybody knows that too.) .
So what about positive thoughts? What it means to be “+”. This is what one should comprehend before he act. Because sometimes it's more about balancing the act.
Your mind is not at peace if it’s constantly fighting with the illusion of + and – beliefs
Humans are the only creatures capable of destroying the universe and fixing it too. We are the thinkers. Everyone says that surround yourself with good people. Because they are like the healers.
And it's true we should heal each other up. But instead of looking for a healer why don’t we become one? Instead of healing them why don’t we train them to be a healer themselves {for free as a gesture of kindness.}
You see yourself in the mirror every day and night yet why you are still missing the point?
Now it's all kind of making sense. But what’s the bloody point?
There are billions of people in this world. Some are manipulative, destructive, argumentative and some are just hell of a creative.
Don’t just read the books. Read their minds (read the mind of the writer.)
Be careless, fearless and let the ideas flow. Clearly, you can talk to yourself. So why don’t you just teach yourself how to cure and restore your life back to an exciting show!