A lot of folks are wondering what my goals are? My major goal in life is to help other people to help themselves. My books on self-reliance are written with that in mind. The other day someone asked me the question, "If you really want to help other people why don't you just give them your books?" The answer that question is very simple. Many people receive something that they get for free as having no value. The best example I can give you that is the people rioting after the presidential election. They wanted something for free that had no meaning to them and therefore they were like little children and throw a fit when they didn't get their own way. That is the reason I don't give away my books. I want to let everyone know that these books have a value.
The second reason I don't give them away is that there's nothing wrong with me making a fair profit in our society. The cost of these books on Kindle is less than a breakfast and coffee at your fast food place. If you buy and read my books it could change your life completely. The one thing I advocate is that no matter what happens in the world we should only work on a take action on those things that we can change in her own lives. Yes we need to be informed of what is going on in order to make good decisions for our own situation.
These the reasons I write and sell books on self-reliance. To too many people self-reliance is having a little food in the cupboard and a few dollars to spend. Self-reliance is a much larger subject and that I try to address, the true meaning of self-reliance. Being human there is no way that I can cover all aspects of everyone self-reliance. My great purpose in all of this is to start you thinking so that you can achieve self-reliance and self-sufficiency.
The link to my book on kindle is:
If you like the Kindle edition email me at [email protected] and I will send you the pdf file. I recommend that you have a printed copy of this book. As I get more time I will put it on Create Space as a printed copy.