How To Select A Symbol For Your Brand
Jerry Fletcher
Messaging Master and International Professional Speaker, I find the words and graphics Coaches, Consultants and Entrepreneurs use to become more memorable and more profitable even when they are not sure they are unique.
Can you make your brand identity more clear, concise and desirable not to mention memorable and profitable by the symbol you select?
Be Unique.
Elements in brand identification include color, symbols, sounds, emotions, style and words. That is different from the usual list of suspects that add up to a logotype and tagline. You want to be unique and that is what this viewpoint delivers. All those elements have to come together in a way that allows you to stand out from the crowd without putting folks off.
Symbols are the second element I’ll deal with in this series.
Type only. Not all brand identities include an emblem or image. Many use typography alone. In fact some of the best known companies use only typography. Usually this is because the names are long and have been reduced by usage to just letters or the name is short enough to use it all. For instance:
Lettermark ??????????????????????????Wordmark
An icon. A graphic-based logo. Some of the best known are the Apple logo, the Twitter bird, and the Target bullseye. Don’t try this if your brand is not well established.
Abstract Icon. Think of the Pepsi Circle logo or Nike with the swoosh. Abstract Icon logos allow the graphic designer and you the opportunity to use color and form to imbue your brand with meaning and emotion.
Caricature. This is way to add warmth and personality to your brand identity. Consider Mr Peanut or Colonel Sanders in the KFC logo. Better known are the Playboy Bunny and the character familiar from the game Monopoly. A caricature is generally considered to be a friendlier approach to building a brand identity.
Combination Combining a symbol or caricature with a typographic mark is more efficient early on. Most efficient is type only but then you want to be sure the typographic choice will stand the test of time. Combination brand identities tend to be more recognizable and therefore slightly more memorable in my view.
How to decide.
1.???Type your company name on your computer first in Upper and lower case.
2.???Now try it in all caps.
3.???Look at those two options in multiple fonts.
4.???Change the color based on the words that describe your business (see the June 10, 2023 Linked In Newsletter)
5.???Consider using software like Canva to test adding icons and other elements you may need on a business card.
6.???Bounce no more than three business card designs off potential clients asking which they see as your business.
7.???Based on their input, pick one and go with it.
Remember, your brand logotype can change over time just as long as your credibility is not diminished by the change. Consistent Credibility leads to Cash.
The Takeaways
Jerry Fletcher is a strategic marketing consultant and professional international keynote speaker. He guides individuals and organizations to become more memorable and more profitable.