How To Select Right Hair Transplant Clinic? 10 facts.

How To Select Right Hair Transplant Clinic? 10 facts.

How To Select Right Hair Transplant Clinic? 10 facts.

You have come to a right page, while searching for hair transplant in Mumbai. While talking to doctors about accurate information about best hair transplantation surgeons in Mumbai, we found hair transplant clinic in Mumbai, not transparent about the cost of hair transplant in Mumbai.

How to select right hair transplant clinic? 10 facts.

Selection of right clinic & happy outcome of hair transplant is depends upon following factors.

1. Goal or Intension of Hair transplant surgery

2. I am a right candidate?

3. Technique for hair transplant

4. What to expect after transplant surgery?

5. Density after hair transplant


7. How to select a right clinic

8. Cost of hair transplant surgery

9. Complications of hair transplant surgery.

10. Medical management after hair transplant surgery.

Goal or Intension of Hair transplant surgery.

Well, purpose of any cosmetic surgery is to make one looks normal , same way hair transplant does not mean shifting hair from one part of body to another part. Undoubtedly, loss hair makes one looks older than his actual age. Ageing is not our enemy but to represent right age is sometimes very essential special in matrimonial aspect. Loss of confidence is also very prominent when someone feels, he is not looking up to the mark or embraced for his own looks. Hair transplant in true means can help one to represent right Age. So it is basically Age Restoration.

Am I The Right Candidate for hair transplant?

In hair transplant hair follicle from back & sides of scalp is being shifted to frontal or crown area of head. In young adults due to Androgenic agents & specially due Di-hydro testosterone can cause loss of hair from front & sides of Head. Hair in this area are greatly affected by Hormones while hair in sides & back are immune to such hormone , they sustain well. Such a hormonal changes is not the Diseases but age related or Hormonal changes. Two out of Three males gets affected by this hormonal change. For all sort of hair loss problem hair transplant is not indicated. In following condition Hair transplant gives best results.

Androgenic Alopecia.

Male pattern Hair loss.

DHT motivated Hair loss.

Also Hair transplant gives best results when enough donor area is available.

So, Young males without any underlying medical cause having baldness & fall in to category of Norwood classification two to five are the most ideal candidates for hair transplant.


Hair transplant is divided in two major component . One is removal of hair from donor which is called harvesting & placing back to desired area which is called as Implanting.

There is basically only two technique is for hair transplant

Strip method and use of Micro punch for harvesting .

FUT, FUSS , MACRRO PUNCH HARVESTING are all synonyms with minor technical difference.

While use of micro punch is FUE, BIO-FUE, DHI, POWER FUE is all same.

In implantation people uses either slits , needles or implanters to paste the hair in desire recipient area.

Most important is not to damage the follicle also whatever grafts we are removing from body we must put back in 3-4 hours which is essential for survival of hair follicles.

All these technique has its Advantage and disadvantage like in strip method swelling , pain , stitches are problem but the whole procedure is under direct vision . In micro punch very limited swelling, pain also no stitches is but it is blind method of harvesting. More surgical skills required to perform such technique.

Rest all big words is just to attract patients & self created terminologies.

What to Expect?

It is very important to evaluate the results or out come after 6 to 8 months from the day of surgery. After the surgery small hair falls off. New germination of hair starts after 4 to 5 months and reasonable good growth is visible after 8 to 9 months. Hair characteristics highly differ from its one anatomical area to another. E.g our eyebrow is just two fingers away from our scalp. We never need to cut our eyebrow unlike our scalp hair. It is important one select right Donor are which is as following-

1. Scalp hair.

2. Pubic hair

3. Beard hair.

No hair should be taken from chest or back as property of those hair is not fit to give desired looks.


Well, to talk density on number of grafts or number of hair or follicles is real misguiding to for any one. Practically half of natural density is only possible after best of best dense packing of grafts. According to authentic books, if any one even try to put number of graft as good as natural number than Skin necrosis or scalp necrosis , pus formation and hampered blood supply to scalp is expected. Just as example, after doing by-pass surgery one can expect required blood supply to heart but to keep expectation of better cardio-vascular system than natural.

Free, Free, Free

Free Consultation , Free PRP, Free medicines are basically tools to attract more crowd to clinics.

No doctor perform free Consultation. When it is free Consultation than by en large you meet some Manager of Clinic or Sales executives of that particular clinic. Job of Manager or Sales executives are to sale their products, such sales man are really good with conversation skills but definitely not qualified enough to perform such patient consultation. In today’s time, where even Government Hospitals charges 30 rupees for consultation from doctor who are still learning to expect free consultation from qualified & experienced Doctor is not possible.

How to select right clinic?

Word of mouth is undoubtedly remains top of the list. If your some known person undergone with Hair transplant & he is happy with doctor , selection is really easy for you. In case , you do not have any first hand experience person than Google plays major role to select clinic.

After looking at location of clinic , which is accessible , shows authentic before –after results , qualified doctors with dedicated practice to hair transplant also few years of experience one can easily sort out 10 clinics.

Next step is to personal call or chat through Mail or any communication . That will help you to realise who are accessible , responsible and talk authentic and realistic.

To sort out final 5 clinic will be really simple after talk on phone. Personal visit to such Doctors will be really rewarding. Once you meet such five doctors it will be really simple to select one of them. Make sure one meet operating doctor and not sales executives. Celebrity are known for their endorsement job. Do you really think Amitabh Bacchan is using Hair oil what he is endorsing?

It is also important to evaluate doctor on the basis of his own website rather than any third party portal who promote clinics strictly on the basis of professional aspect.

Any one who is trained into surgery field are considered to be qualified for hair transplant. Rather than individual doctor’s qualification his experience and experienced team is more important. Hair transplant is time consuming procedure and full job can not be done alone by one surgeon. Good and experienced team plays important role in final outcome.

Cost of hair transplant

To charge patients for hair transplant on number of grafts , number of hair, number of follicles is brain child of good businessman. Practically except operating surgeon no one can count such number specially when you are the patient. Such method of charging is not transparent. Ideally one should charge either on area of baldness to cover or time consumed for surgery.

Complication after Surgery

Hair transplant is basically only skin surgery rather than great knowledge , skills is more important. The sole reason surgery is really well picked up by patients is there is no great complications associated with it. It is practically pain free. Following are few most common complication-

Numbness or stoned feeling for few weeks.

Swelling over eyelids

Boils on recipient area after transplant


Failure of surgery- no hair growth or less growth than expected.

Shock loss- one looses rest of the hair for temporary period of 3-6 months after transplant. Females are more affected..

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