How secure are you and your home?
Times change but the need for #security continues. This old installation may be a little different if designed today, from the original layout you see above. However the result would be similar and the level of security relevant.
What do I mean by the level of security and its relevance? Having the gate closed is often the most important aspect of any security need. How it opens and for whom, together with how secure in the closed position, are probably the next most important.
I was reminded many years ago, about the relevance of security and different people's concept of what and how secure their gate should be. Also what should happen during an emergancy or under an alarm situation. Fire alarm or burglary alarm, either may dictate alternative actions from the system and its control.
Customers wishes are regually different and what is a satifactory result for one, may be the oppersite for another. Do you want the gates open during an alarm, or closed? allowing normal operation or with levels of ristriction and inhibiting certain functionality?
Then there is the actual design of the gates and the whole entrance or exit, itself. Does security need to vet all users and visitors? or just unknown callers? Most gate systems will not stop a car following another, or the number of persons within a vehicle being restricted to authorised alone. Most installations can be climbed over, or the perimiter breached elsewhere, allowing people to gain entry/exit.
Some installations are to keep people in, children, live stock or the retained. Some to keep undesirables out and some simply to control access or trafic flow.
The reason for having a #gate-system often suggests the level of security required of it and sometimes this can be changed or improved, during the life of the installation.
Today all sorts of overt or even covert detection devices can enhance the security needs of a system. Stopping access may be impossible from every type of attempt, using an array of tools, or simply driving a vehicle into the gate. This can be monitored and reported in almost immediate real time, with or without notice. Action can now be planned while the incident is live, rather than the old fashion reactive process of the past. Trolling through hours of #CCTV or #access-control records, trying to get evidence of who may be guilty and when.
Using moden products the fucnitionality of exisiting as well as new projects can deliver far more than most customers would expect. Greater flexability with new inovative solutions are providing answers so much more quickly and acuratly than ever before.
Modern solutions to age old problems continue to supprise
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