How To Secure The Best Deals
Efemini F-Awosika MCIPS CSCP
Leadership Coach for Procurement Managers Aspiring to Become Team Leaders ?? Successfully Managed Tenders and Contracts Worth Billions of Dollars ?? Executive Director, Roducate Ltd ?? Mother
Anyone can secure the best deals but there's a ‘how to it’.
You've to learn how to negotiate effectively.
Effective negotiation is a fundamental skill for procurement professionals, it's how you can secure the best possible deals, drive cost savings and build strong relationships with suppliers.
In this newsletter, we'll examine practical negotiation scenarios and provide strategies for achieving the best possible deals.
Hello and welcome back to another edition of our newsletter.
Let's get straight to business:
??? Illustration 1: Imagine you're negotiating the price of raw materials with a supplier and they're resistant to reducing their prices due to rising production costs.
Action Point:? Conduct thorough market research to understand current market conditions, trends and competitive pricing benchmarks for the products or services you're negotiating. Use this information to negotiate from a position of strength, providing data-backed insights into market trends and competitive pricing.
??? Illustration 2: Your organization is negotiating a long-term agreement with a supplier for the provision of IT services, and you're tasked with finalizing the contract terms and conditions.
Action Point: Shift the focus of negotiations from price alone to value-added benefits and incentives that align with your organization's strategic objectives. Explore opportunities to negotiate additional value-added services, such as extended warranties, maintenance agreements or service level guarantees that enhance the overall value proposition for your organization.
??? Illustration 3: You're negotiating payment terms with a vendor, and they're pushing for shorter payment terms to improve their cash flow, while you're seeking longer payment terms to manage working capital effectively.
Action Point: Approach negotiations with a collaborative mindset, seeking win-win solutions that address the interests and concerns of both parties. Explore creative payment solutions, such as staggered payments, milestone-based payments, or early payment discounts, that meet the vendor's need for cash flow while providing your organization with flexibility and financial stability.
??? Illustration 4: Your organization is renegotiating a contract with a long-term supplier, and you're looking to renegotiate more favorable terms and conditions in the renewal agreement.
Action Point: Invest time and effort in preparing for contract negotiations and conducting a comprehensive review of the existing contract terms, performance metrics, and market conditions. Identify areas of potential improvement or renegotiation, such as pricing, delivery terms, quality standards, or service level agreements.
By mastering these negotiation strategies, you will not only enhance procurement performance but also position yourself as a strategic asset to your organization.
PS: If there are any particular negotiation topics you'd like me to cover in subsequent editions, do let me know.