How to secure a 1000 client network in a few words and about 4 clicks.
Javier Arrospide
Author of USB-Lock-RP Device Control - Software Engineer CEO of Advanced Systems International
Talking about USB Management & USB-Lock-RP v12.897
1. GPO Assign usb-lock-rp client msi. (Straightforward)
2. Start USB-Lock-RP Control. (Machines will populate the Network list showing their security status.
3. Go to group actions panel (1 Click)
Note: At this point all clients belong to Group 1.
4. Activate Automatic Authorizations to Group 1. (all machines will get it)
Note: So far you have made 3 clicks in the program to get here.
Note: You are done for today.
Let users operate normally. They’ll be connecting the devices they normally use.
Note: You may harden on restricting external physical access to premises during this process.
Note: No one will be blocked or know this is taking place at client side unless you let them know.
Removable storage and portable devices will be automatically authorized at the control. (All events are being logged as they occur. You can see local authorization being created automatically as the day goes by.
Note: You could leave it in Automatic for another day (AA deactivates at 48 hour automatically sharp on all clients. (Or you could deactivate it earlier from the Group panel same as you did before)
AA Deactivates and security becomes effective.(Now any unauthorized removable drive or smartphone will be blocked)
At this point you have your 1000 client network secured. (Without a support ticket and about 4 clicks counting clicking OK button after entering your logging password)
You can now revoke any authorizations you don’t like in real-time or elevate them further to groups, build, rename, set specific setting to groups, From macro to the micromanagement at a glance and in realtime.
You may set your SIEM Interoperability, Schedule automatic reports, email alerts, monitor trasfers to authorized USBs...
That’s it. 15 years on the making. Already securing world’s best.
USB-Lock-RP v 12.897 unseen USB Management for Organizations Autonomous Control.
If you want to see USB-Lock-RP in action just send us an email, we’ll build you a personalized set licensed as courtesy to your organization of the real thing, (Delivery within 15 minutes personalized with your logo and including a license certificate issue to your organization)
Absolutely no cost or commitment.
We stand by.