How to score more in class XII Economics Exam
Sanjeet Kumar
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Globalisation is making the economy affect social life more than ever. Economics, as a social science for CBSE Class 12 Commerce students, gives students a chance to acquire the analytical skills required to observe and understand the economic realities.
If you aspire to flourish as an economist and work in the government sectors like Indian Economic Services, Indian Civil Services, RBI, etc, or if you wish to enter the private sector and work for aid agencies and financial consultancy firms, it is essential to have a good score in your class XII Economics.
Your Economics syllabus helps you to
· Understand some basic economic concepts
· Develop an economic reasoning and apply it to day-to-day life
· Sensitise oneself to the economic issues that the nation is facing
· Understand the usage of economics and statistics in analysing economic issues
· Reason out logically where there are more than one views to an economic issue
Your course in Economics gives you the chance to explore various economic issues from a micro as well as a macro perspective.
While studying Economics
· Have a study plan and work around it on a daily basis.
· Skim through the chapter before it is taught in school. This will help you easily absorb what the teacher teaches during the class
· Enhance your economic vocabulary by making notes on the economic terms, laws, and definitions
· Increase your writing speed by solving papers as often as you can by timing yourself
· When you read a question, try applying a MR or MC principle to it and derive at a solution
· Use diagrammatical representation to remember major economic concepts and themes
· Ensure that the recurring concepts such as demand, supply, market, industry are clear to you
· Economics being a content-heavy subject makes it imperative that you make notes liberally
· Practise diagrams and graphs related to each lesson and make flash cards of formulas for quick reference
· Practise solving numericals by solving Economics sample papers and Economics past year papers
· Discuss important topics in your study group to identify your strengths and weaknesses.
In your examination hall
· Spend the first 15 minutes reading your paper and the marks assigned to each question
· Attempt all questions
· If you start writing the long answers, first finish writing the long answers and then move to the short answer questions
· Use graphs and diagrams wherever necessary in your answers
· Label your graphs and diagrams appropriately
· Highlight important parts of your answers
· Write your answers in points to increase visibility
· Manage your time well while attempting the answers
· Use proper terms and labels wherever necessary
· Follow all steps while solving numericals
· Crosscheck all your calculations
· Write in a neat and a readable handwriting
Do not analyse yourself based on your past performances. Practice is the key to scoring well in economics as it not only increases your writing speed but also your understanding of the subject as a whole. So keep calm and before you know you will have scored well in Economics! Happy Studying!