How to Score High and Get Free Sample Paper for class 12 physics
Class 12th Physics Subject is very very crucial subject not only in terms of attaining high score in board exams but also equally important to crack any competitive exams. If one wants to aim high score in Physics, then it is imperative to regularly read and practice physics from your school notebook , especially NCERT book, just from the beginning of the session. One has to ascertain perfect balance between numerical problems and definitions or theoretical problems.
Tips to score High in physics :
- Run through NCERT book very very thoroughly. Usually students tend to consult many reference books but forgets the NCERT, therey making a big mistake. For Board exams as well as competitive exams Physics NCERT book is considered very important. All topics in the syllabus for the exam are covered in the NCERT book.
- Reference books are also very integral part of good preparation for attaining high score. Any good supplementary book like Haliday-Resnick-Walker can be included to understand certain concept more briefly and more numerical problems can be practiced.
- Compile a complete list of derivations, formulas and experiments in your syllabus and keep that list handy.
- During the time of solving a derivation, try and grasp the real logic behind the derivations.
- If you struggle in getting adapted to numerical portion of physics, It is best to start early and devote at least 1 hour daily and Solve each and every numerical in the NCERT book (both, solved and unsolved).
- Use Reference books for reference purpose only. Remember, your textbook is NCERT.
- Try to go through and Do Analysis of the Previous 10-year Question Papers
- If possible try to solve as many model sample papers as possible.
- Always have positive mindset. It’s a boost for concentration and better retention.
- Time management is an absolute must; take out time for re-creation as well as alongside preparation.
- During the exam, try to write your descriptive responses in points and give pictorial or graphical illustrations wherever and whenever possible. It enhances visibility.
?For Practicing sample papers for class 12 physics one can visit website