How to Score 100 % Marks in Physics of Class 12 in Board Exam ?
First of all, Good luck for your exams, and keep in mind, if you have studied with focus and along with enjoying the subject, scoring is not a big deal. If you love to studying physics, so you will never lost your interest nor focus, But still Scoring 100 % marks in any exam is a challenging task which need proper strategy during exam .
Now first step is that you should revise NCERT thoroughly for getting this objective. Keep a notebook exclusive for the points you find important while your reading, because if you have deemed them important, you won’t forget them easily if you revise it just once.
Solve questions chapter wise: After revising each topic read questions from chapter carefully ,if you think you can answer them nicely look ahead for another chapter . In case you find difficulty in solving some questions try to solve them or see the solution as not much time left for preparation. Complete all he chapters one by one and now get ready for taking tests from sample papers. Even if you have less time but you should write at least two test papers before final encounter of actual physics paper in board exam.
This will help you to think many different type of different questions together . Evaluate your answers first and think about if any improvement can be done in answers writing. That would just memorize you the concept you read about. And solving more sample papers will enable you as add on value.Then go through the last year question papers now. Whatever topic you have to revise, just see what type of question has been asked and solve as many as you can, that would perfect your concept and would be a Speed Practice as well. (Speed is extremely important in Boards, and especially in Physics, as the questions are 30 and mostly people either leave 1 mark questions or 5 mark questions just because they weren’t synchronized and prepared for 3 hours completely.
Don’t put too much time on 1 mark questions, as the invigilator requires precise answer in CBSE. He has the 3 and 5 marks question for your writing skill. For 1 and 2 mark questions, be precise and as short as possible.
Time management and Practice are the key.
I’ll be very practical with the approach.
- Start studying just after you end reading the answer, no matter what time of the day you read it.
- Optics is the most scoring topic including electromagnetic wave (18 marks), study it well both wave and ray optics.
- Come over to electrostatics & Current Electricity (16 marks), really easy if you understand the basics, so start with very easy basic and reasoning questions to understand the chapter well and then move on to tougher questions.
- Then comes one of the easiest sections which is ignored by many students but can make a huge difference. Atoms and nuclei, electronic devices and Dual nature of atoms , mostly theoretical can be covered from scratch within 1-2 days and can gain you total 19 marks from all these chapters. (Most of the students spend a lot of time on electrostatics and magnetism leaving behind all these chapters and this costs a lot because the weightage of every section is critical and should be prioritized accordingly.
- Then comes current electricity, a unit which has basic Kirchoff law application, start with easy circuits and then move onto solve complex, also finding equivalent resistances between circuit should be practised well.
- Magnetism is purely conceptual, so do not try to cram or memorise it, understand the topic well through your teachers or online videos and then try to solve questions.
- Electromagnetic induction is an extension of magnetism so magnetism should be studied first and then move on to EMI, A.C ( 17 marks). requires knowledge of capacitance, inductor and resistance relationships and you must have studied the phasor diagram or graphical method for the same, direction of induced current, falling magnet problems are often asked.
- Dual nature of matter is all about planck’s relation and de broglie relationship with wavelength and can be covered from scratch/basics in a day.
- So, basically scoring in Physics is not that tough if you go sensibly but for scoring a 70/70 you need to do a bit more than this like writing the definitions properly, diagrams and labeling should be done clearly.
- Don’t procrastinate/ delay or think that I will begin my preparation from 1st January, re read point number 1.
All the best for the exams.