How To Scoop Paper Pellet Cat Litter – A Step By Step Guide

How To Scoop Paper Pellet Cat Litter – A Step By Step Guide


Are you thinking about switching from clay to paper pellet cat litter, but not sure how the scooping works??The main benefits of paper cat litter are that it is hypoallergenic, soft on your kitty’s paws, lightweight and better for the environment than clay.

These are some great pros, but could the scooping process be too big of a con for you to make up for this? Find out what it will take to scoop paper based litter.

Step by step guide to scoop paper pellet cat litter

  1. Use the litter scoop to collect and lift any cat feces.
  2. Gently shake the scoop to give any fresh pellets a chance to fall through the slits.
  3. Carefully tilt the scoop down, so some fresh pellets can roll off and fall back into the litter box.
  4. Empty the contents on the litter scoop into a container you use for cat litter.
  5. Dig in the litter with the scoop, to find any urine soaked pellets on the bottom.
  6. Remove pellets that are darker in color, and have fully expanded in size. Paper pellets are 3x more absorbent than clay.
  7. Add some new pellets if you need to. The depth of the litter should be about 2-3 inches.


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