How To Scale Payment Systems With The Saga Pattern

How To Scale Payment Systems With The Saga Pattern

Most times, a single giant database does the trick. At enough scale, it does not.

The most common piece of advice I hear to build payment systems is to "keep things simple". Often, this takes the form of "don't build distributed systems". It's better to have a single source of truth, because it's easier to understand a system that lives in one node than one that lives in many.

This is good advice. Lots of companies started that way. Nobody, not even in payments, starts with microservices. Before moving to a Service Oriented Architecture, Airbnb accepted money via PayPal, and sent checks via mail.

Airbnb switched to services when they expanded outside the US. The pressure that put on their data systems made the switch a business necessity.

There’s a crucial moment for every payment system that scales. It’s when engineers realize that scaling out a bunch of servers on top of a single relational database isn’t going to cut it anymore.

This, by the way, is something that many companies never get to experience.

But for some, that’s a painful moment. Unless you do something, the system will not be able to cope. Payments will not be processed, reports will longer to produce, and reconciliation mistakes will be more frequent.

Once it’s clear that a single giant database isn’t going to be enough, what can you do about it?

Most engineers know that NoSQL databases are painful to handle. But they handle this scaling stage better than relational databases.

The problem is, good engineers shouldn’t go all in. Completely rewriting a system to use a different way of storing data isn't a sound idea.

Good engineers break big migrations in parts. Is there a way to do that with databases?

In today’s article, I’ll be exploring a possible way to do that, inspired by the lessons learned while building Halo 4.

I’m Alvaro Duran, and this is The Payments Engineer Playbook. Search how to build payment systems online, and you’ll find tons of content on how to pass software design interviews. But there’s not much that teaches you how to build this critical software for real users and real money.

The reason I know this is because I’ve built and maintained systems that handled payments for almost ten years. And I’ve been able to see all types of interesting conversations about what works and what doesn't for payment systems behind closed doors.

These conversations are what inspired this newsletter.

In The Payments Engineer Playbook, we investigate the technology that transfers money. And we do that by cutting off one sliver of it and extract tactics from it. So let’s get into this article about one way to keep scaling your payment systems.

When I have a problem that I don’t know the answer to, I gather a bunch of scientific papers on the topic, and read them.

So does Caitie McCaffrey.

McCaffrey was part of the engineering team that brought you Halo 4. But even before they started, it was clear that the way they had handled data before wasn’t going to be enough.

Millions of users were going to play the new game. Scaling out servers on top of a single database wasn't even going to come close to what they needed.

But before I tell you what she found, what is so special about serving your users from a single database?

In one word: consistency.

The good thing about relational databases, the reason why most of us should use them, is that they come with two special guarantees.

On the one hand, you’ve got ACID compliance. ACID is an acronym that boils down to this: the data will be valid, even in the face of errors and failures. On the other, relational databases also provide transactions, which is a way to combine several operations into a single unit.

ACID gives you a way to make concurrent changes to the database safe. And transactions let you undo those changes as if they were a single operation.

However, a single database doesn’t permit you to separate data to get it closer to their users across the globe. A single database doesn’t allow you to spread out operations to several servers to support more of them. And a single database cannot serve users when some part of it has crashed.

At a lower scale, that doesn’t matter. But as your payment system grows, it’s an ongoing source of problems.

Splitting the data across multiple partitions gives you some of that. But can you have ACID and transactions if you do that?

Maybe. I’m not a researcher. Perhaps there’s something the database community hasn’t figured out quite yet.

But not for lack of trying.

In fact, Facebook published a few years ago a paper called Challenges to Adopting Stronger Consistency at Scale. That paper pretty much said that they were unimpressed by the research done so far. And that Facebook had adopted almost none of it.

In other words, Facebook put itself out of the race to design practical distributed transactions. Google didn't though. But what they’ve built so far, called Spanner, is prohibitively expensive.

So far, we’ve settled for in the wild solutions, also called Feral Concurrency Control. Engineers like you and me have written a bunch of logic to move some of the database's responsibility into the application layer.

If you’ve ever heard of the Unit of Work pattern, that’s what I’m talking about.

So what Caitie McCaffrey was asking herself was this: can we do better than feral concurrency? And while reading scientific papers, she stumbled across a solution on a 1987 paper.

The kick is: it wasn’t a distributed systems paper.

And I can’t shake the feeling that payment systems are extremely well suited for such a design pattern.

Let me explain. The paper is Sagas, and it’s a paper from the database community. The authors had investigated a way around the limitations imposed by Long Lived Transactions, or LLTs. Those are the transactions that take longer than usual, blocking the completion of the other, faster transactions.

The solution they suggest is to break down LLTs into a collection of smaller transactions, which could be interleaved with the rest. Sagas are such collections.

So what's the connection with distributed systems? At the end of the paper, there’s an intriguing sentence that caught the attention of McCaffrey:

We believe that a saga [as a distributed system] can be implemented with relatively little effort. (Sagas)

It was as if the authors had left the most valuable part of the paper as an exercise to the reader.

A challenge.

That was the insight that McCaffrey needed. Sagas were the missing step between the single relational database and the distributed system that could make Halo 4 possible.

How do sagas work? Sagas trade atomicity for availability. Rather than having a slow transaction locking many tables, you have smaller, discrete actions. That break down the same process, while exposing intermediate checkpoints along the way. At any of those points, another transaction can come in and do their work. That makes throughput better.

Doesn’t that remind you of payments? Isn’t money software a sequence of steps that the payer experiences as a single flow?

But wait, there’s more. What about undoing a saga? How does a “rollback” work if you have a bunch of steps that have been already completed?

When a saga fails, the process will call compensating actions. These actions correspond to those of the saga. But unlike in a transaction, they undo the effects of their correspondent action semantically. What that means is that the undoing is a domain concept. That, unlike transactions, you're not guaranteed to return back to the state you were initially in.

Is that bad? It could be. If a saga action sends an email, the compensating action might be sending a follow up explaining there’s been a mistake. Like the way Amazon sends you an email if your payment doesn’t get through.

In fact, the Sagas paper suggests two strategies to deal with failures.

One is called backwards recovery. It’s what you would expect it to be. If a saga fails, the process calls all compensating actions for every action in the saga that was completed before the failure. A complete undoing.

Let me give you an example. If, after authorizing a payment, there’s some items in an order that are no longer available, the saga that completes the order fails. The compensating actions will remove those items from the item list, and void the payment.

But we can choose another strategy, called forward recovery. In this case, the saga will complete every time. For that, the saga reverts back to a safe checkpoint, and tries again.

Let's take the same example I used before. In a forward recovery, the compensating actions will remove the unavailable items from the item list. But, unlike the backwards recovery, the saga proceeds with the remaining order, capturing only the amount for the items that made it all the way through.

I know I’m talking about a way to make payments distributed. But even for payment systems that rely on a single relational database, this pattern is useful.

That’s because sagas are a failure management pattern.

They help engineers think about failure modes more proactively.

I’ve hinted a bit so far about what would it take for payment systems to implement sagas, so here’s an overview of what I would expect to see in an actual implementation:

  • A Payment Saga would consist of at least three actions: Let’s call them authentication, authorization and confirmation. The reason I say at least three is because these actions will most likely consist of more substeps, such as fraud checks, 3DS, waiting for a pending action to be notified as complete by the provider, etc.
  • Each of these actions will have a compensating action: Let’s call them rejection, void, and refund. Something worth noticing is that the refund compensating action will undo both the confirmation and the authorization, and therefore the void step must take into account that the payment could have already been refunded by the time it gets processed.
  • A recovery strategy: Forward, Backwards, or a mix of both depending on the use case.

If you need more guidance on how to build sagas for payment systems, let me know in the comments. For now, you can check McCaffrey’s talk on Distributed Sagas.

So let me wrap this up. Modern Treasury CEO Dimitri Dadiomov once wrote that reversibility and idempotency are the two specific engineering concerns that anyone building payment systems must keep in mind. The good thing about relational databases is that they provide you with both out of the box.

Scaling a payment system beyond a single database is accepting the responsibility for keeping those guarantees intact.

That’s why a database pattern is so suitable for building distributed systems.

It’s not the technology that matters, but what you use it for.

And that is why distributed transactions are too expensive and impractical. Scaling operations come with unavoidable trade-offs. What do I really need, and what can I do away with to get it?

And that’s my biggest takeaway from this article.

Engineers often rely on what others have done to do their job. That’s a good thing: Newton called it standing on the shoulders of giants. However, there’s a cost to not fully grasping what we really need from the tools we use, and what are simply “good-to-haves”. And that cost is that, if you’re forced to abandon such tools, then you feel the compulsion to recreate them as faithfully as you can.

You are better off if you choose to examine what your new scaled life demands from you, tool-wise.

And exploit a new set of trade-offs to achieve it.

That’s it for The Payments Engineer Playbook. I’ll see you next week.

PS: You can get these articles right in your email if you subscribe to the newsletter.

Melissa Pastore

Software Engineer at GitHub

6 个月

This was so helpful and insightful! ??


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