How to Save Space and Cost by specifying an innovative Ventilation System - EcoKitchen
Written by: Aaron Carpenter, Managing Director, ACS Ventilation Group
Read Time: 9 minutes Published: 18-11-20
As an architect or an M&E consultant, you may often be frustrated by the additional space and cost required to ensure safety standards for commercial kitchen ventilation systems. In this article, we will explain how you can save significant space and cost by specifying our innovative ventilation system, EcoKitchen.
Specifically, we will examine:
1. Space and Cost Issues Related to Kitchen Ventilation Systems
2. How EcoKitchen can help
3. What can EcoKitchen do that Other Filtration Systems Can't Do?
4. EcoKitchen’s Compliance with Standards
5. How does EcoKitchen work?
6. Customer Testimonial from David Sheehan, Staple Foods
1. Space and Cost Issues Related to Kitchen Ventilation Systems.
· Fire Safety Standards
If the duct coming from the kitchen canopy needs to pass through another compartment to exit the building it should meet the EN standards for fire safety EN 15871, EN13501-3 and EN1366-1 (in the case of access doors).
· Cost of Fire-rated Ducts
Fire-rated duct costs are multiples of standard ducts.
· Valuable Space Lost Due to the Size of Fire-rated Ducts
Depending on airflow requirements the space required for the duct alone can be very large, often posing challenges for installers when they try to suspend large size duct from ceilings while trying to maintain safe passing headroom below.
Unfiltered kitchen ventilation systems are required to discharge minimum 1mt above the roofline of the building by way of a vertical duct riser.
· Vertical Duct Risers may be Required Within a Building
Often it is not possible to direct the duct horizontally out of the building before exhausting above the roofline. In this situation, the vertical duct riser might need to be installed within the building.
· Fire Shafts are Required In Some Cases
This riser may pass through various compartments of the building. This is a fire hazard which could mean a fire shaft would be needed to be constructed to house the duct.
· While some savings may be made by housing other necessary services in the fire shaft it should be noted that a minimum distance of 1.5m between the fire duct and all other services is required.
These are just some of the issues that lead, in turn to other issues such as;
· Design Time: additional design time is required
· Loss of Space on the Premises: space lost to a back of house service that could be used to generate income as front of house space,
· Expense: excessive capital expenditure on expensive fire duct and fire shaft construction.
2. How EcoKitchen can help
Put simply, EcoKitchen breaks down grease, smoke and odours eliminating the need for rooftop discharge. In fact, EcoKitchen cleans the air so well that combined with an independent supply air system, EcoKitchen can be recirculated in the very room it extracts from.
At ACS Ventilation Group, we are the sole distributor in Ireland, the UK and co-distributor in UAE of a kitchen exhaust filtration unit known as EcoKitchen. EcoKitchen is manufactured by Expansion Electronic in Italy.
EcoKitchen's filtration system is of a higher spec than any other filtration system currently available in Ireland. The properties of EcoKitchen mean that many of the planning permission difficulties listed above will be eliminated. Current customers of ours have reported that the planning permission process incurred no delays and queries when they specified EcoKitchen.
3. What can the EcoKitchen do that Other Filtration Systems Can't Do?
From EHA4 to EHA2
The filters installed in EcoKitchen systems guarantee a reduction of the particulates and odours developed/ emitted during the cooking process from EHA4 to EHA2. The EcoKitchen uses the most up-to-date filtration and deodorising systems on the market today.
Air is Suitable for Recirculation
A vertical duct riser may not be required as the air quality exhausted from EcoKitchen is suitable for recirculation.
No Fire Shafts
Fire shafts are not necessary to house exhaust ducting from EcoKitchen
No Exhaust Maintenance
No exhaust maintenance required – when we open the exhaust side of the EcoKitchen the unit and the connected ductwork are demonstrably clean.
Carbon Filter does not Need Replacement
No need to replace the carbon filter unit - only the carbon needs to be replaced.
4. EcoKitchen’s Compliance with Standards
The Electrostatic Precipitators manufactured by Expansion Electronic and used in EcoKitchen are certified to comply with the following standards
- ISO 16890 (new international standard to classify filters)
- UL867
- CE
- ILH from the Institute of Berlin for 99% abatement of bacteria and moulds
- the Science Partner Swedish technical institute: the efficiency of 0.4 um particles was compared to the limits for minimum efficiency (ME) of 0.4 um particles for filter class F7-F9 in standard EN779: 2012 Particulate air filters for general ventilation, determination of the filtration performances, chapter 6 classification and for ozone emissions produced by our electrostatic filter: over 25 times less than the limits set by the WHO
- the Certification of the University of Lucerne on tests carried out to verify if there is a detachment of the particulate captured by our electrostatic filter when it is turned off: almost all of the microparticles remain attached to the blades of capture.
Complies with the following standards UL 867, ISO EN 16890, EN 16798 EN1822
Filtration Efficiency
- Very high filtration efficiency, with yields greater than 99%.
Reduction of Microorganisms
- Abatement of microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, moulds and germs.
Minimal Pressure Drop
- Minimal pressure drop through the filters resulting in reduced operating costs.
Lifecycle of the Filters
- The life cycle of the filters is equal to the useful life of the entire unit, with correct cleaning/maintenance.
5. How does EcoKitchen work?
Stage 1 – Elimination of Grease and Oil
The first stage of EcoKitchen is aimed at the elimination of grease and oil from the airstream and is made up of 3 filter types which are;
· PFMETAL: three stages metal mesh prefilter. Three prefilters of different mesh thickness to abate oil and grease
· Electrostatic Precipitators – The electronic field generated by the Electrostatic filter is used to capture any remaining grease, smoke and oil particles.
· Labyrinth filters - They capture water vapour and oil.
· Sponge Filters – They capture high volumes of oil and grease.
Stage 2 – Elimination of Odour and Bacteria
The second stage of EcoKitchen addresses odour and residual bacteria.
· IONISATION FILTER and OZONATION FILTER combine to reduce odours and create a hygienic/antibacterial effect. This combination creates a super oxidant which preserves the life of active carbons (virgin granular active carbon not regenerated)
· LABYRINTH FILTER: used to mix ozone, negative ions and air in order to achieve a super oxidant effect on the activated carbon.
· FAN (before active carbons to reduce noise)
· Active Carbon Filters – The virgin granular active carbon filters are fitted to allow the longest possible contact time with the air. This increases odour absorption, reduces pressure drops and reduces ozone levels to WHO-approved levels
It is designed specifically for the removal of smoke and grease particles from the air stream of commercial kitchen exhaust systems and for the elimination of odour. The filters inside the module guarantee a constant efficiency of filtration and, thanks to a high ability of separation and accumulation of oil, allow a remarkable energy-saving and low drop pressure. The module is produced in galvanised steel and painted with epoxy dusts colour RAL 7035.
6. Testimonial from David Sheehan, Staple Foods
“EcoKitchen has been an excellent tool for us to achieve sign off and support from our Landlord when opening our new restaurant. With several high-end residences above our premises, the landlord was explicit in their request to have zero extraction from the premises. They did not want the residents to be getting various cooking smells at various times of the day and to this end, we decided to look for a provider for a recirculated system that would meet our budget and our landlord's expectations.
We found EcoKitchen after researching the internet and investigating several different extraction supplier’s options. We felt that given the fact that the filtered air from EcoKitchen can be recirculated along with our fresh air supply, this meant that there was no requirement for a vertical duct riser above the building which was going to cost a small fortune to put in place.
Another big bonus with EcoKitchen is that it stands alone in the market place as a filtration system that does not require filters to be changed as long as the maintenance programme is adhered to.
Having been through the process of setting up a new restaurant and been let down so many times by suppliers I can definitely say that ACS Ventilation Group delivers on their promises, on time, in a professional manner and above all, provide a quality product in EcoKitchen that we can rely on. I would certainly recommend ACS and EcoKitchen.”
David Sheehan, Staple Foods
Like to find out more about EcoKitchen?
If you would like to discuss your commercial kitchen ventilation needs or to arrange a site survey, contact call Aaron Carpenter, ACS Ventilation Group on 01 9011624
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At ACS Ventilation Group, we provide commercial ventilation and kitchen fit-out services. With over a decade of experience, our company has grown from start-ups to servicing some of the biggest names in the hotel and restaurant industry as well as other large corporate clients.
Our mission is to provide our clients with unrivalled service and attention to detail. We strive to identify the best solution to our customer’s needs. Every site is an opportunity to display our willingness to listen to the purchasers of our products and services and assist them to achieve their goals. At all times we will guide the customer ensuring that we keep them completely compliant with all relevant legislation. Visit our website here.