The double whammy of flat wages growth and rising living costs, most notably housing, has made saving money more difficult than ever for many Australians.

Saving can seem like a pipe dream for many of us at the best of times. But according to a 2020 Financial Literacy survey from Savvy, 51.3% of respondents pay their credit card bills on time each month. A further 41.75% of respondents also keep track of their expenses with apps, like the??Budget Direct Money Manager??app.

Here are some 11 things you can do to boost your chances of successfully saving money. Not only for your short-term goals, like a holiday, but long-term ones as well, like building up a home deposit:

#1. Make a budget

At the heart of any savings plan is a budget. Budgeting helps you prioritise your expenditure and find a balance between spending and saving across a whole year.

By checking your credit card statements, bills, banks statements and receipts, you can work out all your regular expenses, such as your rent or home loan, transport, insurance and electricity, says MoneySmart.

You then deduct these expenses from your income – your full- or part-time job or casual work, pension, government benefits, child-support payments, investments, etc.

If you’re spending more than you earn, ask yourself what you could cut out or cut back.

“When working out your money priorities,” says MoneySmart, “think about which items you need for your basic living expenses and which are extras or things you could maybe do without if you needed to save some money.”

It’s advisable to update your budget at least once a year. Or more frequently if your circumstances change significantly (e.g. getting or losing a job, having a baby).

If you’re spending more than you earn, ask yourself what you could cut out or cut back.

#2. Track your spending

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