How to Save and Manage Your Time

How to Save and Manage Your Time

Spend One Hour Now to Save 3 Hours Later

Quick Fix: Start with what gives you a headache. Do you ever spend time looking for something at work, more than twice a week? Your keys, stapler, files, documents, supplies? You need to 5s.

Find an area where you can place items that you don't really use, but don't really want to throw away. Just remember, if it isn't making you money, it is costing you money, space is a cost..."when in doubt, throw it out".

So go through your office and either throw things away, or return the things you have borrowed from your colleagues, the items you are unsure about, but them in a "red tag area". (this same concept works on your computer as well, you should not have a cluttered desktop).

Now that you only have the necessary items that help you do your job in your work area, think about efficiency, the things you use the most, get those closest to where you spend most of the time, the things you only need once a week or month, should be kept further away from you.

Next, make things visual and easy to find. Hang things up, get rid of unnecessary flat surfaces otherwise they will naturally accumulate junk. Do not waste your time by labeling your stationary desk telephone..."telephone" ... only label things that will help YOU stay organized. 5s is about making your life easier, it is not for anyone else.

Now that you have sorted out your junk, set things in an efficient order, now you can finally clean, dust, sanitize for a few minutes.

Remember this one hour session should only happen one time, after this you should spend 5 minutes at the end of your day to put everything back where it belongs THEN grab your keys leave for the day. The keys are your reward for spending 5 minutes to 5s your office before you leave.


