How to Save Ink in the Sublimation Printing?
How to Save Ink in the Sublimation Printing?-YIQIA DIGITAL

How to Save Ink in the Sublimation Printing?

Sublimation printing is an advanced printing technique that has become popular, especially in the apparel industry. It is a common way to print images and designs on apparel, especially T-shirts. If you've ever operated one of these machines, you'll probably agree with the fact that sublimation ink is the main cost of running a sublimation printer. So here are 4 tips to help you save some money by reducing the amount of heat sublimation ink you use in the process.

sublimation ink is the main cost of running a sublimation printer.

Tip 1 Do routine printer maintenance

If you want to save in the long term, then you will have to incur some short-term costs to maintain your sublimation printing machine on a regular basis. This will ensure that your industrial sublimation printing printer performs at its best and consumes only the necessary sublimation ink during the sublimation printing process.

Do routine printer maintenance

Tip 2 Do not turn off your printer

After you have printed your first batch of images and want to print a second batch on a T-shirt or other item, do not turn off your printer because turning it on again will only cause a waste of ink. However, if you stop production for a long time during the day, then of course turn it off.

Do not turn off your printer

Tip 3 Invest in good quality sublimation paper

Poor-quality sublimation paper absorbs a large amount of sublimation ink. Therefore, one way to save sublimation ink in the printing process is to upgrade poor-quality transfer paper to high-quality transfer paper, which can effectively save ink while improving transfer rates.

Invest in good-quality sublimation paper

Tip 4 Check the printer driver settings and software

While most sublimation printers have optimal settings on their drivers and software for using only the optimum amount of ink to produce a high-quality image or design. However, this setting can be changed to an ink-saving mode that saves ink while printing superior-quality images.


Maybe you are also interested in this article: Sublimation Paper Quality Judgment Guide 2023?

YIQIA DIGITAL has a global presence in many countries, including emerging and mature markets. We have a well-established sales system and are committed to helping our customers improve their digital printing business with our expertise and first-class service.

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The picture is a dtg printer with water based ink. Nothing to do with sublimation…



