How to save from Corona Virus??

How to save from Corona Virus??

Novel coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough without runny nose. This is the simplest way to identify. the Wuhan virus (COVID 19) will be killed at a temperature of 30-35 degrees, therefore, drink more hot water. You can tell your friends and relatives to drink more hot water to prevent it. Go under the Sun for a long time. It has been cold season recently, and drinking hot water is also very comfortable. It is not a cure but is a good prevention for the body. Drinking warm water is effective for mostly all viruses. Try not to drink ice. remember that.

1. It is pretty large in size (cell is about 400-500nm diameter), so any normal mask (not just the N95 feature) should be able to filter it out. However, when someone who's infected sneezes in front of you, it will take a great 3 meters (about 10 feet) before it drops to the ground and is no longer airborne.

2. When the virus drops on metal surface, it will live for at least 12 hours.

So remember if you come in contact with any metal surface, wash your hands with soap thoroughly. Don't depend on the sanitizers.

3. The virus can remain active on fabric for 6-12 hours.

Normal laundry detergent should kill the virus.

For winter clothing that does not require daily washing, you can put it out under the sun for 4 hours to kill the virus.

follow Indian lifestyle (be vegetarian, eat hot food, drink hot water, take food during Sunlight, take plenty of Sunlight, follow simple living - high thinking) and try to take plenty of ginger, lemon, turmeric, Mishri, traditional food products and Ghee (original Deshi Cow Ghee) and take Amla, Meetha Neem, Tulsi in your daily routine.


