Electricity should always be handled by professionals, but there are some aspects that everyone can address as producer, crew member, client or agency representative without specialized training and without endangering yourself or the people around you:

  • ??As early as possible start a conversation with director, DoP, and gaffer and the creative team about the light concept for a project. While available light is unbeatable in regards to CO2e emissions, it’s not always the right approach for your project, but check with your team if alternatives with low emissions are available, such as reflectors LINK or light equipment options that operate on standard grid power.
  • In case the concept requires large light units and standard grid power is just not enough to power the lights and electricity needs of your shoot: set up the timing in a way that makes a high voltage grid power installation on your location possible. Berlin and Hamburg allow the installation of these fixed electricity outlets with 10-14 days advanced notice. When shooting on 1 location per day, they are financially already comparable to generator rental, if you’re shooting more than one day in the same location they are even cheaper! With this you can avoid generators all together!
  • During location scouting, check for nearby high voltage power outlets?? that could be used for the set or base, so you can avoid generators or at least work with smaller generators. (F.e. check nearby businesses, car repair shops, schools, restaurants etc. you? might be able to make a deal with them to use their power).
  • Collaborate with the gaffer and production manager to calculate how much electricity is needed to cover the shoot (set & base) and order the right size of generator, most generators are not used to capacity during the shoot and thus emit more CO2e than necessary.
  • Nowadays the set base and video village often require their own generator for laptops, lights, vents, catering, monitors, etc. Work with your production manager to explore options for reducing power consumption, and find alternative power sources that don’t run on diesel such as solar-powered motorhomes or wardrobe/make up units (LINK), battery packs to power monitors, etc. With this you might even be able to avoid those noisy and stinky 4kw generators next to the client & agency tent.
  • Check with your caterer if they cook on gas or electricity and how much electricity they need for their appliances and fridge. Depending on the size of the shoot, it might be an option to deliver catering. That way the grid power at the caterers HQ is used to cook and wash dishes and the power needed at the set base is reduced.
  • Instead of small generators, there are now powerful BATTERY OPTIONS, which can also be linked together for more power (LINK). They are charged on the standard power grid and don’t need additional fuel??.
  • (if available) Choose generators that use fuel from RENEWABLE SOURCES (either fully or partially) such as biodiesel, solar, or natural gas.
  • Don’t charge electrical vehicles on diesel generators (unless the generator is way too big for your shoot and is not used to its full capacity during the shoot)
  • Remind the technical department, art department, styling and hair + makeup teams, and everybody in the client & agency tent and from the production team to turn off devices during breaks (lights, practicals, screens, laptops, ventilators, aircons, etc.)
  • When traveling turn off the air conditioning and lights in hotel rooms when leaving your room.
  • If you’re staying on floor 1 & 2 in the hotel or if your office is on the lower floors of the building - use the stairs more often than the elevator (if possible and your health allows that).
  • Don’t charge power ?? banks on set, where electricity might come from diesel generators, but at home or in the hotel using grid power.
  • Turn off your computer ?? at night (unless you are the DIT and uploading the files for the editor over night, then leave it on ?? )
  • for more infos on electricity ??on set and new generators, check out the KEEN TO BE GREEN edition about GREEN ENERGY ON SET from March 12th, 2024


