How To Save Destiny 2
Lucas Simons
Experienced Game Writer | Narrative Designer | World Builder for Fantasy & Sci-Fi MMORPGs | Author | Storytelling Expert | Co-Author of 'Press Start'
As a 'loyal' Destiny 2 player ever since its release (and previously a hardcore D1 player as well), it hurts me to see a game I love so much being on the decline. But, what happened to the game? A series of game development decisions that didn't resonate with the core audience, failing to deliver what the players were asking for, and a repetitive and grindy battle pass model, followed up by ignoring the core issues of the game for far too long. So, here's my take on what to do next if the devs want to save the game:
- Fixing Player Retention (bringing back lapsed players) - How? A Welcome Back event that allows players who didn't have enough time to engage in past content have a chance to re-live past episodes, for free. Of course, less rewards and no Pinnacle rewards, just a way to unlock content leisurely without the need to grind endlessly.
- Bring back vaulted content for all New Light players, especially Forsaken and Red War missions. Because let's be honest: that's what the majority of the loyal players want.
- Bring back Destiny 1 content for all New Light players, so they can experience the same we veteran players did and can play the story mode of the game from the beginning. This will attract a flock of new players, breathing new air into the stagnated community.
- Fix PvP & Gambit Neglect – Introduce ranked PvP rewards, dedicated PvP balancing, and a Gambit overhaul: The PvP side of the game has been thrown into the trash for far too long. But with the upcoming 'Episodes,' there's a chance the action of the game will be taken out of the Sol System, If so, there's a good chance to re-introduce PvP and merge them with PvE seamlessly, adding open-world maps with an extraction mode pinning down squads vs. squads to make them fight for the loot. Winner takes all, but matchmaking should be regulated according to past PvP ranks, and players should be rewarded for being crafty and avoiding conflict against other Guardians as much as possible.
- Mini Gambit and Crucible tournaments with in-game rewards: Past Ritual Weapons, cosmetics, and more. Players need a reason to re-engage in PvP.
- More Rewarding Seasonal Model – Remove reskinned weapons, and add raid-like seasonal activities that offer truly meaningful rewards. The RNG of the game has been far too punishing for players, and with the introduction of Deepsight weapon crafting, this was somehow 'fixed with tape,' but in the long run, it wasn't enough. So: more rewards, stop bringing weapon re-skins as if they were new weapons, and listen to the clients: if they say fire, you shoot. Otherwise, it will be all for nothing.
- Loyalty Program and Daily bonuses: The best way to engage players into logging every day, and engaging in one or two activities, is to introduce Daily and Weekly bonuses other than just XP for the season pass. Sorry, that doesn't work anymore. Look at Warframe, its loyalty/daily login program: you should definitely go that way. Day 1: Just a meager reward, but Milestone rewards every Week (Like a pinnacle engram) and every 30 days: Pick one from three God Roll weapons. Every 7 days, offer a Dice-Re Roll for Weekly/Monthly rewards, so players can use them to re-roll the rewards if they don't like them. Think about it: it will save you thousands of hours trying to please angry players.
Mid-Term Goals - "Slaying the Ahamkara"
Sorry to break it harshly, but the Eververse Micro-transaction model + Season Pass is all wrong. There might be a slight chance to save it, but it needs a lot of consideration, tunning up, and most importantly: thinking like the client (the player) instead of a developer. On that note, here's what should be done:
- Eververse Overhaul: Reduce reliance on MTX for armor sets; bring back earnable cosmetics through gameplay with less punishing grinding. Bright Engrams should also be included as daily rewards from the loyalty program.
- Expansion & Season Bundles – Create an all-in-one “Legacy†bundle with previous expansions for newcomers at a fair price. Current prices for old content are not fair at all, and they only deter newcomers from getting into the game from the get-go. Why scare away potential new clients? It doesn't make any sense.
- Better Value for Money – Instead of $100 bundles, introduce subscription-lite models for casual players. That way, players have control over when and where they play. If they see they are not going to be able to play a certain episode due to lack of time, or they evaluate the content as way too challenging for them: offer them the chance to decide if they play the next one or so. T
- Battle Pass Alternative – Implement a play-to-earn currency that lets players unlock older Eververse content via gameplay. Again: Look at Warframe as an example of an In-Game economy done well. Players can grind certain things, and then trade for Platinum. Platinum can be used to pay-to-fast, or directly buy weapons/Warframes through the in-game shop. And every few days, they offer a 50% to 75% discount on acquiring Silver with your Loyalty Program- you will see the difference at the end of each month.
Long-Term Fixes: Content & Roadmap Strategy
Remember when Destiny 2 had Factions? Dead Orbit, Future War Cult, New Monarchy? Then we had that incredible quest with The Drifter and the Vanguard playing against each other, and it had repercussions. (If you are a snitch, raise your hands!) That was meaningful and engaging content. And the new roadmap for the game should bring back some of the old factions, and also introduce new ones.
- Rebuilding the Narrative – More player-driven choices (e.g., faction wars, meaningful quest branches) something truly engaging and not only grinding Tonic ingredients for god knows what purpose, because it wasn't relatable enough to be truly attuned with what the players want to do in the game.
- Raids & Endgame Revitalization – Bring back old raids permanently (We miss Calus folks, we've been telling you this for years!) & create rotating weekly raid challenges with better rewards.
- Raise the stakes: With the enemy of Mankind driven away, and the Echoes being only a veiled treath, it is time for a more grounded, common enemy: Mankind vs. Mankind. The Dark Ages was not about that? It is time for Lady Efrideet and the missing Iron Lords to come back. Focus on a content drop that revolves around the restoration of the Iron Lords and PvP/PvE mixed content. Players will love it!
- THIS IS IMPORTANT: Live Community Involvement – Regular State of the Game Q&As with actual developer transparency, not vague PR talk. Players have been asking for it! Why Warframe is so stable? Because it seamlessly does this and keeps engaging with the player community. Invest in your reps, and make them play with the community once in a while. And for the Traveler's sake: don't blame the players for leaving! A game is supposed to be fun, if the players leave is because they are not having fun anymore. Look inside and see why that happens. Make a conscious analysis of the situation and act in response. Remember: You are game developers, not just a corporation or part of a bigger corporation.
The Final Take: Can Destiny 2 Recover?
Yes, it can be saved. But, let's be honest: do you want it to be saved? As a veteran player and Bungie fan to death, I would love to see this game re-flourish, but as things are right now, I have other priorities in my life that do not allow me to grind for hours as I used to do.
So yes, I want the game to keep going.
Do I want Destiny 3? Not sure if that's what I would like to see as a player.
As a game dev, it would make sense to introduce a new iteration of the franchise, but realistically speaking, Bungie should focus on perpetuating Destiny 2 until it is stable enough for the franchise to regain its rightful place in the heart of every sci-fantasy looter shooter fan.
Nowadays, game development is moving away from optimization, and a game that weighs over 220 GB is already on the market. But that's not what players want. They do not need incredible graphics to enjoy a game.
If you want to reprise your game, then listen to your community. Some of them might be rude, some of them might be right on the money, and some of them, like me, would love to see D2 safe and sound, and Bungie rising above expectations because we love you guys.
This is not a wake-up call. This is not a love letter. This is not an attempt to get in cahoots with you in any way. It is the honest analysis of a fellow game developer, who is also a hardcore fan of your IP and wants to keep playing the game for the years to come, and hopefully, see it live long enough to teach his children how to play too.
And if any of you Bungie fellows read this: Thank you for all these years, and I hope to keep seeing you around for the years to come.
Sincerely, Luke.
Hunter, Gambit Fan (sorry, not sorry), and Guardian for life.
Experienced Game Writer | Narrative Designer | World Builder for Fantasy & Sci-Fi MMORPGs | Author | Storytelling Expert | Co-Author of 'Press Start'
1 个月Note: I put 'loyal' Destiny 2 player because I've been cheating D2 with Warframe for the past years, but what can I say? I just enjoy gaming.