How Sarah finally escaped BAU - busyness as usual!
Avril Anderson
Helping ambitious women align mindset, energy, and action to thrive with ease and confidence | Speaker
A few days ago, we caught up with Sarah as she realised that her way of working wasn't working, and she had started to unravel her relationship with her task list masquerading as priorities.?
She's started working with her new Coach, Avril, defining her Purposeful Priorities? and how to shift her focus from managing tasks to managing her now streamlined and aligned priorities. She already felt so much more clarity, empowered and in control. Now it was time to focus her attention on how to achieve these priorities in a way that was tailored to her and leveraged her biggest time-creators - her BRAIN, ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT or the BEE Framework as Avril refers to it.
Time is a finite resource and, paradoxically, the more you try to manage time, the more it evades you - as Sarah learned. Previously, she had been trying to manage her time for years, she had tried everything - time tracking, colour coding, task batching, Todoist, Trello, Forest, 1-3-5 Rule, getting up at 4am for Focus Time... most of them worked, for a few weeks. Then she found herself back in the same pattern of overwhelm and frustration - BAU (busyness as usual ).
As Sarah delved into the BRAIN aspect of the BEE framework, she embarked on a journey to redefine her relationship with time. She realised that her thoughts and beliefs about productivity were deeply ingrained and often led her down paths of overworking, overwhelm and exhaustion.
By rewiring her brain for potent productivity - not busyness - she tapped into the power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to rewrite the beliefs driving procrastination, perfectionism, and her relationship with productivity. Sarah started to notice how she no longer put tasks off that she'd been skirting around for weeks and how the conversations she was having with herself on a daily basis sounded a lot more proactive and empowering.
Turning her attention to ENERGY, Sarah learned the importance of paying attention to her body's signals. She discovered the significance of her energy givers and takers, as well as her natural energy rhythms and cycles, including her menstrual cycle. By listening to her body and honouring its need for rest, Sarah found herself working in harmony with her energy, rather than against it. This meant getting more done in less time, instead of 'pushing through' and sticking to a schedule, she worked with her own unique rhythm for results.
Then she turned to addressing her ENVIRONMENT and she learned how her environment can either hinder or support her productivity, how to create the right environment to minimise distractions and encourage creativity and flow. By curating an environment for work that supported Sarah, she found she was no longer losing precious hours distracted by pings, dings and dirty dishes!
Through implementing the BEE Framework, Sarah's week now looks dramatically different...
Implementing the BEE Framework, Sarah's closing out the week feeling more creative, calm and in control than she has in a long time. She's made real progress on a project she has been putting off for months. Not only that, but when she closes the laptop at her non-negotiable 4pm, she's doing it guilt free and with the energy and headspace to be present with her kids and husband.
On Monday, the final installment of Sarah's journey from overwhelmed, overworking and over it to spacious and sustainable growth will be dropping.
In the meantime, I'd love for you to tell me what your biggest barriers to productivity are in your business right now??And don't forget -?I'm offering FREE Scalability Audit Sessions in May worth £149 each - we have 4 of these remaining, so please don't delay booking yours today. Simply click here to book.