How is Sagely Different?
Today we have more information at our fingertips than ever before. This offers an incredible opportunity and also an incredible challenge. Access to an infinite amount of data leaves most of us overwhelmed. We don’t know what to do with it; where to start. So we bookmark it, leave open endless browser tabs, and collect notes on our phones. We assume we will get to it later. But we don't.
Our research found that of people who use a “save-it-for-later” process (69% of all surveyed), only 3 of 10 consume even half of that content, ever. The world is an insurmountable mountain of learning content and information. With so much information, we are faced with a ‘paradox of choice’- an overwhelming, time-consuming, cognitive burden to decide what to focus on next.?
Now, there are plenty of read-it-later apps and systems. But how do you decide what content is worth focusing on? How do you ignore the noise and focus on what is most important? You let Sagely do it for you.?
Our algorithms keep up with the dizzying pace of change to find hyper-relevant, trusted content, and then serves it to you based on your learning style, interests, and goals. Sagely builds a profile of you as a learner - combining your learning preferences, your personal saved content, content for people similar to you, and content from people you follow - to deliver a personalized playlist of vetted content across a variety of mediums. Maybe you’re in the car and need a podcast today. Maybe you’re in a DMV waiting room and need something without audio. Maybe you learn best by watching videos while doing the dishes. Whatever the scenario, Sagely can provide you with the most relevant content based on the topic areas you care about.
And then, we help you consume it. Sagely provides a world-class in-app user experience, based on habit-formation science, to make it both enjoyable and attainable to keep up with your learning goals. We help you build better learning habits and maximize growth all while preserving your most precious resource - your time.
We are currently building the Sagely app. To get updates on our progress or connect with our Sages, click here.