How safe is your job?…
Michelle Braun
? Learning & Leadership Development ? Training Innovation ? Talent Management? HUGE fan of equality & equity?
Here are some powerful questions to help you prepare for that dreaded conversation with your manager.
It’s time for year-end performance reviews – not just for you as an employee. But also for your company in terms of its financials.
Do you know how your firm’s doing financially – and how that can impact you and your job?
If your firm reports less-than-stellar numbers, the Powers-That-Be will look at ALL the places they can cut expenses – including the #1 biggest expense: employees.
Thoughtful firms with good “Pay for Performance” HR practices will take the time to analyze its employees’ performance…. And first let go of those who didn’t meet expectations last year.
Once the poor performers are gone, then they move to the average performers. And so on and so on.
However, if you think back to the GFC (Great Financial Crisis) that started around 2008, you may remember how some companies were less-than-thoughtful and slashed high-paying jobs across the board to look good to shareholders.
You may also recall how devastating it was to you, your family members and your friends to be impacted by these life-altering conversations with your manager:
“I’m sorry, we don’t see a place for you here anymore.”
Are you prepared for that conversation when your company releases its annual report?
Have you done everything you can to demonstrate your value to your firm?
Do you know how your job impacts your company’s bottom line?
In my online course, Resumes for a Richer Life: Stand Out from the Crowd, we discuss how dangerous it is for you to be in a job where you can’t see the connection between what you do at work each day, and the company’s goal of becoming more profitable.
I also show you how to update your resume to demonstrate that connection.
However, updating your resume isn’t enough.
There are short-term and long-term moves you can (and should) make to position you for your next opportunity.
Because it’s important to dig your well BEFORE you’re thirsty.
Otherwise, before you know it, you’re standing in an incredibly long line of desperately thirsty people who are all competing for the same small pail to quench their overwhelming thirst.
You don’t have to wait and react to your firm’s financials to put a plan in place.
There are proactive things you can do right now to position yourself for success.
That’s why I’m inviting you to join my free SuperStar webinar called “The Real Deal on How to Find Your McDreamy Job” this Sunday, February 12th at 7pm EST.
You’ll learn a powerful combination of short and long-term strategies to safeguard your career.
Here’s some of what we’ll cover:
☆ which job search approaches get the best results…(+ the job hunting strategy you should AVOID at all costs)
☆ how companies prefer to fill vacancies – and why they like these methods
☆ how to get the Recruiter &/or Hiring Manager to call you back
☆ why your job search techniques aren’t working
☆ how to access the secret, hidden job market that creates 80% of the opportunities - but that most job seekers will never see
☆ how to jump start your job search
☆ ….and more….
Register now. The career of your dreams is just a click away.
PS – You can attend this training using GoTo Webinar on your computer OR download the GoTo Webinar app on iTunes.
What are you waiting for? Register now and take charge of your career.
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Schedule your FREE SuperStar Career Coaching session with me.*
*Exclusively for newcomers.
Ready To Speed Up Your Job Search?...
If it's taking too long to find your next job, it may be that you're using outdated resume techniques.
To learn how to create a modern “OMG! Call them in for an interview NOW!” resume that tells YOUR professional story, take my on-demand online class: Resumes for a Richer Life: Stand Out from the Crowd. #PayWhatYouCan
Give me 1 hour and I’ll show you how to create a resume that gets you the interview without having to rewrite your resume for every job you’re interested in.
As a BONUS, you’ll also learn to create a compelling cover letter that’ll have them at Hello.
I'm looking forward to helping you fall back in love with your career!