How Running Can Transform Human Body

How Running Can Transform Human Body

The 'Runner's High'. Now, who hasn't heard of it? The euphoric feeling is what you achieve when your body starts secreting endorphins as a post-effect to some hardcore running of those extra miles. But apart from the 'feel-good factor', what exactly does running do to our bodies (and minds, obviously)? Is it worth the hype or just another fad?

According to a recent report by the Duke Medical Center in Durham, North California running can outrun (we know, right!) getting rid of the belly fat. But there seems to be a debate regarding the knee health of a runner, with some saying running ensures a right health knee while others are claiming the opposite. Such situations call for in-depth analysis and weighing out the options before coming into any conclusion. So, for all those keen joggers out there, this is a blog that can help you know a few lesser-known-facts about the relationship between you and your favourite sport. So tie up those laces tight!

Within 30 minutes of your first running:

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Image Credits: Runner's World

Experts believe that humans have evolved to be kickass runners, thanks to the shape of our body (no matter fat or lean), the shape of our hips and feet, length of our legs, our durable spinal discs and of course, our ability to sweat. Running can be considered as a useful drug that works fast, and sometimes it can work more quickly and show results in just 30 minutes of you running. Here's how:

Instant Mood Booster: Thanks to the way we are wired, running continuously for a long time secretes endorphins in our brain, making us feel chilled out despite all the tears that running for such a long time may have caused. So, the next time you are feeling depressed, having anxiety attacks or just having the 'Monday Morning Blues' you know it is the time for the running pill!

Just like your brains, your body starts showing the effects in distinct ways.

No Pressure, Blood Pressure: According to several studies done on the same, it has been found that running is one of the best non-drug therapies for hypertensive people. It boosts the insulin sensitivity in your body (which was otherwise done with additional drugs or injections) since running makes the muscles in your body use up all the glucose in the blood. Thus, your metabolism is at a peak even after 14 hours of running. Whoa! Maybe we should go running now. It's been so long since we enjoyed sleeping like a baby!

After a Day:

Okay, so you've unravelled this ecstatic world of running for a day now, and you can't just wait to get into those walking shoes again:

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Image Credits: Vox

Hello, Productivity: If you're a runner (at least, had your first run a day before) then you know what we mean! Right from on-point work completion to having an excellent start to your research, you're just unstoppable at your workplace.  

According to studies, it was found that people who run or exercise are twice more confident than people who don't. Why do you ask? Well, it's the self-esteem at work that's in these (keen runner) individuals. TED talks, who needs them?

Brains and Gains: So while you're the super confident and oozing charm at your workplace, you are learning and absorbing lots of information - faster! It has been observed in a study that aerobic exercise, such as running can help you boost your memory!

So apart from giving everyone else a hard time in your workplace, you're also...

You are killing those Calories, even when not running: What! Did that blow your mind? Well, it's true - while you may have stopped running, your body hasn't stopped burning 190 calories within the next 14 hours of your running is completed.

Oh, yes. Here comes our favourite part:

Beddy Byes: Well, after such a tiring exercise like running, your body doesn't miss out even on an ounce of relaxation. And while all the other ways are it drugs or alcohol intakes can either give you severe side-effects or harm your liver, running helps you sleep better with no downside. Oh, we love these little perks!

After 30 days:

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Image Credits: Oregon Sports News

Okay, so now you've succeeded in making running an integral part of your life. And if you have, here's what you're in for:

Inspiration Time: With all that daily running and super-positive aura around you - your friends, family and even those shady colleagues are getting inspired from you to start running too!

More Woke Than Ever: If you're a payroll employee, running regularly will bring you delightful surprises from your boss and client - since it would scream on your performance records.

Impressive Defences: According to studies, people who are avid runners have an excellent shield against mental health conditions. So while the world gives you lemons, you can easily collect it, sell it back to the world on its face!

Okay, so those were some of the long-term results that you may achieve if you fall in love with running. But, what exactly does running do to your body correctly? We mean - what about your muscles, core strength, etc.? Here are all of the vitals (information, we say):

Calories = Totally Spent! For an average 160 pound adult, running for an hour at a speed of 5 miles per hour can burn up to 606 calories. Isn't that something?

Muscles = Perfectly Toned. While running isn't precisely similar to lifting weights, but since it involves legwork mostly, you'd start noticing the perfectly toned calves, stronger abdominal as well as an upright spinal cord.

Nutrition = Running Harmoniously. Running can be your best buddy if you befriend the right diet. Nutrition is like the younger brother of running that the latter is very possessive about. Stay hydrated, regular intakes of proteins, a small dosage of carbohydrates are all required. Hey, so there's no guilty pleasure for you when it comes to food!

Backed by tonnes of scientific evidence, running has some of the most diverse and positive effects on your body - right from weight loss to endurance. If you've had a love at first sight with your first run, then you're in for a blissful marriage and a happy ending!


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